Chapter 14

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Marshall sat in the living room with a sulking look on his face, flicking at his nails as he waited for Eden finish getting dressed for the school morning. It was middle of fall and it's been about three and a half almost four months into the school year, picking a school for Eden's best interest was one thing and now having him going is another form of stress. Leon feels immensely stressed about Eden's first day and won't settle. James sat across from him feeling all of Marshall's stressed aura and making feel a bit stressed himself. They both could here Eden's frantic stomping and noises of outbursts from him, having both of the men laugh a bit and easing them slightly. 

"You don't seem ready for Eden to leave for school."

Marshall scoffed.

"Of course I'm not ready! He'll be gone for majority of the day and he's starting a couple of months late."

James slumped back into the sofa and rubbed his face.

"I'm not ready either, going to be boring without little man around...well he's not little, he's 5'7."

Both of them laugh.

"Your stupid James, but you still have duties to do. I let you slack off and I can't have that as your my beta, need you getting back to work."

"Knew you'll say something like that soon enough, been dreading going back to old duties."

"Well too bad."

James pouted and both of their heads turned to the heavy thumping coming down the steps, hearing snorts, along with Marshall's mom light talking. Both men stood up from the sofa and cleared their faces away from showing distress to support. Eden hopped down from the second step to the hardwood floor. His white hair had grown out more as it began to slightly curl at the ends, Sophie pinning his long bangs out of his eyes as he could see better. He gave a good heavy stomp as Marshall laughed airily as he watched. Eden was dressed in a oversized stripped blue and white long-sleeved shirt, pair of green shorts that reached a bit passed his knees with mid-leg brown socks with tiny bears and his favorite purple crocs. Marshall tilted his head at his look, but could only smile as Eden was bouncing around in the living room.

"Was getting dressed difficult?"

Sophie shook her head.

"Not at all, just little mishaps of his tics when putting his shirt one. Other than that all good."

She gave Marshall a smile and looked over at Eden who was digging through his navy blue backpack.

"You dropping him off at Yale Keys?"

Marshall nodded as he watched Eden show James all the things in his backpack.

"Yea, just want to see him before he's completely gone from within my sight."

Sophie patted his Marshalls back and gave him a soft smile.

"I was just like you when you had your first day of school, but I knew you'd be okay and I know Eden will be okay too. He'll be going to a place where they'll help him greatly and he can make some friends. So try not to worry too much and best you two get going, don't want him to be late do you?"

Sophie walked over and gave Eden a kiss to his head and wishing him a good day, James pulled Eden into a tight hug and wishing him luck. Eden looked at Marshall and bounced on his feet.

"Mar-Mar, I rweady!" 

Marshall put out his hand and Eden ran to grab it, Eden waved as he followed behind Marshall. Walking to his car and opening the front passenger door, Eden slid in and bucket himself in and held his backpack close in his lap. Closing the door and heading over to the driver side, push starting it and see Eden waving as Marshall began to drive. 

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