Call the big guy

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Steve Natasha and Scott Lang came walking up to Tony's cabin he was holding Morgan in his arms. Kat was in the kitchen with pepper. After failing to think of anyway that time travel could work, kat gave up. She ran back to Morgan. Her favorite person and tried to forget that they ever got her hopes up. Clint told her he was still going to keep fighting, cleansing the world of the real evil. That she could join him, whenever she wanted. But after the let down, the lost hope again, kat didn't have it in her to fight. She just wanted to hold morgan. She had spent four months at the compound, trying to make time travel work but it was like her brain wasn't all there.

'I know what it sounds like.' Scott said

'Tony after everything you've seen-' Steve said

'Quantum fluctuation messes with the plexus which then messes with the Deutsch decision can we agree on that?' tony asked them

"in lament terms that means you're not coming home.' Kat said stepping outside, he poured her a glass of sludge which she ignored. She wasn't going to drink that brown goo. Healthy or not, the look of it made her want to vomit.

'I did' Scott reminded them

'You accidentally survive it's 1 billion to one cosmic fluke.' Tony assured him 'and now you wanna pull a what do you call it?'

'A time heist' Scott said happily

'A time heist yeah... why didn't we think of this before?' Tony question them 'oh because it's laughable because it's a pipe dream.'

'Guys it wont work, we already tried just stop.' Kat begged. 'please. I cant move on if you keep dangling hope in front of my just to rip it away again.'

'The stones are in the past we could go back and get them-' steve told them.

'We could snap our own fingers we can bring everyone back.' Natasha told him. 'we could get Stephen back.' But kat shook her head. They tried and failed already!

'Or we can screw it up even more than we already have.' Tony said

'I don't believe we would' Steve told him

'Gosh sometimes I miss that giddy optimism however High Hopes won't help if I do not see a tangible plan, time heist I believe the most likely outcome will be our collective deaths.' Tony told them.

'I agree.' Kat said solemnly.

'Not if we strictly follow the rules of time travel that means no talking to our past selves no betting on sporting events, no-' scott began.

'I'm going to stop you,' Tony told them 'right there right there... Scott are you seriously telling me that your plan to save the universe is based on back to the future?'


'Good you had me worried there-' tony told him

'because that's not how quantum physics works.' Kat added.

'Tony we have to take a stand' Natasha told him

'We did stand and yet here we are' Tony told them

'I know you got a lot on the line you gotta wife and a daughter but I lost someone to someone very important to me a lot of people are dead and now we have a chance to bring her back to bring everyone back and you're telling me-' scott pleaded.

'nothing that's right I'm telling you no. I can't.' Tony told them

'Mommy told me to come and save you' Morgan said climbing his lap

'Good job kid I'm saved. I wish you would've come to ask me something else anything else. Honestly I've missed you guys look at the table except for seven-'

'I get it Tony I do 'Steve told him 'and I'm happy for you I really am but this is a second chance.'

'I got my second chance right here. I can't roll the dice on that if you don't talk shop you can stay for lunch' Tony said walking away

'He's scared' Natasha said

'He's not wrong' Steve admitted

'But what are we gonna do we need him, are we going to stop?' scott questioned.

'No I wanna do it right' Steve told them 'we are going to need a really big brain.'

'Bigger than his?' Scott questioned

"You honestly think this could work?' kat asked walking them to the car.

'Kat is has too.'

'I will talk to him' kat told them. 'I want to Stephen back to... more than anything. I will convince tony.'

'Do you think this could work?' They asked her 'do you think Tony could do this?'

'I hope so, but my brain... I don't know... I feel like since Stephen disappeared,' she wiped at her face. 'since I lost him and Peter my brain's been all over the place I haven't been thinking properly I know that I cant do it alone. I need Tony. Together was can do this. I just have to convince him.'

'Good luck'

'Call the big guy just in case I'll see what I can do.'

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