You make me dizzy

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"Get him out of there please.' Kat told Stephen and he unlocked the magical cage setting peter free.

'okay, spark notes version peter...' kat looked to Stephen. 'when Stephen tried to help you things went to shit. And now everyone that knows peter parker.. spider man, is here.'

'what do you mean I don't know-'

'from other universes!' kat said exciedtly.

'you are way too happy about this.' Stephen told her.

'Tony would be freaking out right now. We always talked about multiverse as more of a mythical thing, something that was never going to be discovered in our lifetimes...' her smiled dropped. 'but now here we are.' She pointed at the lizard man and the robot.

'its frightening how little we know about the multiverse.' Stephen added.

'what?' peter looked between kat and the man he was fighting on the bridge.

'okay game plan. We get the rest of the... whatever they are back here and send them home.' Kat told him.

'Yes. Find the anomaly's and bring them back' Stephen gave peter a magical contraction that sent the creatures back to the sanctum and into the cages. 'Go. Go.' He told him.

'wait if I'm gonna do this I'm going to need help.' Peter told them.

'that was fun, really it was. Watching you swing around trying to catch mr electric on a tiny screen... you make me dizzy I don't know how you fly like that.' kat told him once they were all in containment cells.

'you fly.' MJ reminded her.

'yes, with purpose and elegance, not swinging around like a monkey.' Kat corrected.

'yeah swing transportation isn't the best.' Mj confirmed.

'alright,' Stephen said seeing the anomaly's in their cells. 'I created a spell to send them back and reverse the spell.'

'what no. what if they die back home.' Peter told him

'peter they are already dead.' Kat told him.

'what?' peter questioned

'they just said that each of them is already dead back home, they have been for years I'm guessing. They need to go home and die or else we screw up their timelines even more.' Kat told him and Stephen agreed. She was really getting a hang of the multiverse.

'no kat you don't understand I want to cure them, so they don't have to die.' Peter told her.

'even if you cure them, that's a big if, they seem to like being a lizard and mr electric but honey, their time lines are set. Lets say mr robot-'

'Otto Octavius.' He corrected.

'Don't care.' She called over her shoulder. 'lets say he is reformed and you fix him. We send him back and he has a kid. That kid turns out to be the next Hitler. That universe is screwed because it was never supposed to have mr robot back.' Kat told him.


'SHUT UP!" kat yelled. 'you are not part of this conversation!' she looked back to peter. 'they need to go home. Stephen do the spell.' But peter had thought about what his aunt had said, everyone deserves a second chance. He shot a web out and pulled the cube free from stephens hands running upstairs and into the new York streets above. Stephen and kat ran after him.

'PETER!' kat yelled.

'I'm sorry kat I have to try.' Peter told her.

'No you don't! Didn't you listen to what I just said about a baby hitler?' kat called after him.

'Give me the cube Peter.' Stephen demanded. Wrestling with the cube Stephen forced peter out of his body. 'Give me back my box' but peters body floating in the air kept moving the cube away.

'how is he doing that?' kat questioned.

'its not possible.' Stephen said reaching for it but the body kept moving the cube away.

'whats happening to me? am I dead?' peter questioned in a panic.

'Astral projection.' Kat told him she tried to grab the cube as well.

'this is so cool but also never do that again!' peter said floating back into his body and swinging away from them.

'Dont worry sweetheart i will be right back.' Stephen told her following after peter.

'don't hurt him.' Kat told Stephen.

'that's not the plan.' Stephen said floating away.

'where are we?' peter screamed as a train floated through the air.

'Mirror dimension' Stephen told him.

'a mirror what?'

'anything that happens in here does not affect the real world.' Stephen informed him trying to get the cube back but this spider was proving more difficult than he realized.

'This is like chemistry, math. I know math.' Peter said manipulating the mirror dimension and trapping Stephen. 

Love is Strange // Stephen StrangeWhere stories live. Discover now