Chapter 25

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When I looked at them, I felt tears come to my eyes.

I felt Seth kiss my head. then, my voice was just barely a whisper. I cleared my throat. "we had two girls."

Seth smiled and nodded. I started to cry again.
After I pulled myself together, I asked if we could hold the babies.

The doctor handed me one of the babies. her eyes were a bright sapphire blue.

just like her father. I thought. I smiled when she reached out and grabbed my finger. "babe, look."

Seth came over and smiled warmly when he saw what she did.

"that's adorable babe." he kissed me lightly. "I just know you'll make an amazing mother."

I smiled at that comment. "by the way, can we see Christian when the nurse is putting the girls to bed soon?" Seth nodded.

"yes, they said you can hold him until its your nap time."

"awww man! I wanted to fall asleep with him in my arms!" I stuck my bottom lip out in a pout.

he shook his head smiling. "Ill see what I can do." I nodded and gave my daughter back to the nurse.

Seth put me back in bed, and I was finally holding Christian in my arms again. it was amazing to have him back in my arms.

(although it's been less than 24 hours technically.) I kissed him on the head.

"Goodnight baby."

Christian had fallen asleep a little bit ago. And I could feel my eye lids drop.

When I woke up, Christian wasn't in my arms anymore. I frowned. where was he?

I thought. I looked up, it hurt to do so. I lay back down when it was too much pain.

I closed my eyes and just went back to sleep.
I felt someone shaking me. They were calling my name.

Seth? that's Seth calling for me! I tried to answer him. but his voice just because more distant.

I could hear him crying when the doctors pulled him away. No! bring him back! I need him!

then everything went quiet again. everything just got farther away. and I couldn't feel anything anymore.

am I dead? I asked myself. no. there's no way.

I just lay there, in total darkness, with nothing bothering me, I cried. What's going on?

I felt a sharp pain in my chest. a couple seconds later, again. again. again. then I could open my eyes again. I didn't feel like I was suffocating anymore. when I heard a beeping monitor, I knew it was my heart beat. I died. and came back. they saved me.

I took a deep breathe in and slightly opened my eyes. I took in my surroundings, a small chair next to a coffee table, it had A crying Seth sitting in the chair.

he was holding orchids in one hand whilst his head lay in the other.

there were small couches which held, my mom. And I immediately became furious when I saw who was in the last chair, my father. I slowly sat up carefully.

the doctors tried to get me back in bed. I refused.

I was pissed. I stomped over to my father and said,

"what the fuck are you doing here?" he looked up at me. everyone else was already staring in astonishment.

"what? did you forget that I'm your father? It's nice to see you too sweetheart.

" he looked hurt. almost sad. almost. and I Almost felt bad for him. but remembered quickly, he chose to cheat. he chose to leave.

"what the FUCK makes you think that you can just stroll right into my life and be the father that I never had? you chose to cheat on mom. you chose to be a dick. you don't even know how much I hate you for doing this to us. why the fuck would you ever come back? just go. and NEVER come back. don't you dare try to come back and be a grandfather for these children. having no grandfather is better than one like a shit bag like you. it disgusts me to say your my father. just leave." I pointed to the exit.

"I-" "just go!" he left with out another word. I just cried. I felt my mothers arms wrap around me.

I went back to sleep, and when I woke up, I was alone. or at least I thought.

I tried to walk away and get something to drink, but a hand stopped me by my shoulder. I stopped.

"don't move. I'm getting some food for us." I heard a raspy tired and hoarse like voice.

I turned around to see that the person that stopped me, was Seth.

he looked terrible. I grabbed his hand before he walked away. "wait,"

he turned around to look at me. he looked horrible. puffy red eyes,

puffy face from crying, and dark bags under his eyes. I kissed him lightly.

he smiled. "thanks babe." and walked away. when he came back,

he had a cup of orange juice, a small plate of pancakes, and syrup on the side. "thank you Seth."

he nodded and pushed my hair behind my ear. kissed my forehead and sat in his chair. we ate in silence.

he suddenly looked more alive and less dead when he ate. "did my heart stop?" I asked surprising myself.

he stopped himself right before drinking his coffee and he put it down.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to um, upset yo-" "no it's ok, yes your heart stopped.

they said that the babies put too much stress against your body, and," he froze for a second, "and, your heart stopped beating, because you delivered three weeks earlier than delivery date. Naiomi's fine,

but it cause much more damage to you because it was twins. so double the damage. They said-" then we were interrupted by,

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