Tournament Kiss (LawRusso)

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A/N This story takes place directly after the tournament in the first movie. I DON'T OWN THESE CHARACTERS, CONCEPTS, OR SOME OF THE DIALOGUE!!! Kinda short so sorry about that! Some OOCness in some characters. TW: assault. SPOILERS for the first movie obviously! Sorry for the bad title and let me know if there are any spelling or grammar errors. Sorry I disappeared for so long school kicked my butt. 

***Daniels POV***

Despite the pain in my knee I felt on top of the world. As Mr. Miyagi and I walked to the parking lot we heard a commotion.

"That sucks! I did my best!" I heard Johnny's voice and looked over. He was arguing with Kreese.

"What did you say?" Kreese yelled.

"I said I did my best!" Johnny yelled back.

"You're nothing, you lost, you're a loser!"

"No! You're the loser man!" Johnny tells him. Mr. Miyagi looked like he wanted to get involved.

"Oh I'm the loser huh?" Kreese was getting angrier by the second.

"Yeah," Johnny said and started to turn away when Kreese grabbed the second place trophy from his hands. He snapped the trophy in half and threw it to the ground.

"Now who's the loser?" Kreese had a smug smile on his face.

"You're really sick man," Johnny said. Kreese grabbed Johnny and put him in a choke hold. Johnny was struggling to breathe and his friends started trying to help him. Kreese just pushed them away and threatened them.

"How does second place feel now huh?" Kreese asked. Johnny was still struggling to get away when Mr. Miyagi started walking over. I limped after him.

"C'mon he can't breathe!" One of Johnny's friends yells.

"Mind your business," Kreese responds.

" You're gonna kill him!"

"Sensei, please you're hurting him!" This only made Kreese more angry. "He's sorry, okay? He really is!"

"Let him go," Mr. Miyagi said calmly.

"Mr. Miyagi is right, let him go!" One of Johnny's friends cuts in. Kreese smacks him and he falls against the car behind him.

"I said let him go!" Mr. Miyagi says more forcefully.

"Beat it, slope, or you're next," Kreese threatens.

Mr. Miyagi finally had enough and grabbed Kreese forcing him to let Johnny go. Johnny fell to the ground; he was still struggling to breathe. I lowered myself to the ground next to him.

"Johnny, hey man, it's okay. Try to breathe," I tried to comfort him.

"I'm so sorry Daniel," he wheezed out.

"Hey don't worry about that right now. Just try to breathe," I started rubbing his back trying to help him calm down. The sound of glass shattering caused Johnny and I to jump. We started to pay attention to Mr. Miyagi and Kreese again. Johnny moved closer to me. Kreese's hand was bloody and I wondered what plan Mr. Miyagi had. Kreese looked stunned as Mr. Miyagi dodged his second punch.
Mr. Miyagi grabbed him and said, "Mercy is for the week. We do not train to be merciful here. A man face you he is enemy. Enemy deserve no mercy." He raised his hand like he was trying to do serious damage. Johnny turned away and buried his face in my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him. He went to strike but stopped right before he hit Kreese.

"Honk," He threw Kreese to the ground. He looked at me and winked.

"Daniel-San, ladies no wait forever." Mr. Miyagi said.

"One second Mr. Miyagi," I said. He turned and started walking to the car. "Johnny, are you gonna be okay?"

"Yeah man, thank you," he wouldn't look me in the eye, "actually can I talk to you?"

"Uh sure," I responded. We moved away from everyone else.

"So how are things with Ali?" Johnny asks.

"We're just friends, man," I explained.

"Oh," he looked down at his shoes.

"Yeah," I said awkwardly.

"I should tell you that I wasn't jealous that you were with Ali," he said, "I was jealous that you didn't like me. I really like you man."

"Johnny I don't understand," I said. He moved a little closer to me.

"I like you like you Daniel," Johnny still wouldn't look up.

"Johnny," I reached up to cup his cheek. He finally looked up at me. "Can I kiss you?" I asked. He looked around for a second.

"Uh-y-y-yeah," he stammered. We leaned in and kissed but it wasn't fireworks like some people describe; it was so much better.

"Why don't you come with us?" I asked

"I don't think your Sensei would like that," Johnny said.

"Mr. Miyagi won't mind. I swear," I told him.

"Oh-okay," he mumbled.

"C'mon," I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the car. We got in and Mr. Miyagi gave me a questioning look. I nodded and that must have been good enough for him.

"You coulda killed him couldn't you?" I asked him.

"Hai," he responded.

"Why didn't you?"

"Because, Daniel-san,"He started, "for person with no forgiveness in heart, living is worse punishment than death."

I looked at Johnny and smiled. He took my hand and it felt better than first place. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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