Scene 7

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In August's room. August is furiously searching through stacks of books and papers, and everyone else is crammed in tight, confused. 

August: It'll only be a second, sorry. I must have misplaced it or something.

Sylvie: (to Ivy) Your brother is weird.

Ivy: (to Sylvie) You tell me. 

August pulls out a sheet of paper, holding it above his head. 

August: Here it is! Okay, guys, prepare to be amazed. 

The seventh graders all exchange looks, some rolling their eyes. 

August: (reading) In early 2007, Dr. Leonard B. Fitzpatrick was accused of stealing from Pritchett Museum, as well as a convenience store and a hardware store nearby. The charges were dropped, however, and the prosecution commented, saying that there simply wasn't enough evidence to continue with the case. The stolen goods still remain missing. Fitzpatrick himself declined a comment, but his sister urged us that he is completely innocent of the crime and that he is just a humble-minded middle school science teacher with no intentions of harm. (looking up) Don't you see?The seventh graders look at each other again, this time with even more confusion. 

Hailey: No, we do not. 

David: In this case, we're completely blind. 

Sylvie: Blind as bats. 

August: Come on, you guys! It's so simple!

There is a pause.

Ivy: August, you're just going to have to tell us, because we're not understanding this any faster.

August: I have a better idea. I'm showing you. 

Exit August.

Exit all. 

End scene.

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