Chapter 25

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Aroon is unable to concentrate on anything as his eyes are focused on the door. He tried to get himself composed and read through the file but failed miserably. A smile appears on his face as he heard his cabin door open but it disappeared the next second seeing the person standing before him.

Aroon: Pumeik

Pumeik: Hi Aroon.

Aroon: Why are you here?

Pumeik: I came to congratulate you. Congratulations on being the new CEO of AA Technologies.

Aroon: Thank you.

Pumeik just stands there looking at him with a smile.

Aroon: You said you came to congratulate me and you did it. Now leave.

Pumeik: Come on Aroon, we are childhood friends. Let me be with you on this important occasion.

Aroon: Friend.

Aroon let's out a sarcastic laugh.

Aroon: A friend who betrayed me. It's better to be alone than to have a friend like you.

Pumeik: How many times should I apologize for that mistake? I told you it was my dad's idea. I was just too young to oppose.

Aroon: What about Niran? Where you naive when you told all those lies to him?

Pumeik looks at Aroon in shock.

Pumeik: I.. I just wanted you back in my life. I wouldn't have involved PNiran if that stupid Atid hadn't come in my way. He is not as good as you think he is. He was deceiving you all this time, acting as a ordinary employee while he was actually getting ready to become the chairman. You need to oppose your dad's decision and get the chairman's position for yourself. My dad and I will support you.

A sly smile appears on Aroon's face.

Aroon: And how do you propose to do that?

Pumeik: Well, if you agree to marry me, my dad will transfer his shares to your name and we have few board members who are willing to vote for you, if they have to choose between you and Atid. Your father will always choose you if he has to make a choice between you and Atid. You just need to tell him you are not happy with his decision.

Aroon: What is in it for you?

Pumeik: Well I get my love back in my life.

Aroon: And the title of Chaiman's wife. Later on if I decide to divorce you, you will also get half of my property. Is that right?

Pumeik: No, you got it all wrong.

Aroon: Really? So you are willing to sign a prenup that says incase of a divorce, you will not get a single penny from me as alimony.

Pumeik just looks at Aroon in shock.

Aroon: If you agree, I am ready to marry you now.

Pumeik: I..

Before Pumeik could say anything further, their conversation is interrupted by the sound of something falling on the ground. They turn around and is shocked to see Atid standing at the door with an unreadable expression.

Atid: I am sorry to interrupt your conversation but everyone is1 waiting for you at the press conference.

Pumeik looks at Atid with a smirk.

Pumeik: We are discussing something important and personal. We will be there in couple of minutes.

Atid: Sure

Atid picks up the box that fell on the ground and starts to walk out of the room with tears in his eyes. He stopped midway hearing the next sentence.

Pumeik: And next time, make sure to knock the door before entering. It's called basic manners Mr.Chanthara.

Atid quickly wipes his tears and looks back at them with a smile.

Atid: I will keep that in mind. Once again I am sorry.

Atid quickly walks out of the room without looking back.

Pumeik looks at Aroon and continues her conversation.

Pumeik: So, I was saying

Aroon: How dare you?

Pumeik: Huh

Aroon: How dare you talk to him like that?

Pumeik: But we were in a private conversation and he walked into the room without knocking.

Aroon: He doesn't have to knock to enter my office. He has all the right to be here whenever he want. He is my boyfriend dammit.

Pumeik: But you broke up with him and you said you will marry me.

Aroon: I will never marry a gold digger like you. You are a selfish bitch who will take advantage of anyone who can benefit you. You only love yourself and no one else.

Pumeik: He is a guy Aroon. People in the office will not respect you if you have a relationship with him. You already had an incident where your employees expressed their discomfort to accept Atid as he is gay. Do you want them to feel the same way about you? He also betrayed your trust by not telling you his true identity.

Aroon: How do you know about the incident? We never made it public.

Pumeik: I heard it from some of the employees.

Aroon: But no one except Josh, Aaron, Atid and me were there when this incident happened.

Pumeik: I mean, they would have told someone else.

Aroon: So, you are the one who send those guys to attack Atid.

Pumeik: No, I

Aroon: You are coward Pumeik who is attacking someone from behind.

Pumeik: I am not a coward. I just hate that guy for taking what is mine. I wanted to teach him a lesson.

Aroon: I am not yours Pumeik. There was a time when I wanted to be with you and it hurt like hell when you left me. But now I thank my stars for getting you out of my life. Let me make this very clear to you once and for all, I love PAtid. I will only love PAtid even if he does not love me back. He is the only one I need in my life. So just fuck off and never show your face to me ever again.

Pumeik looks at Aroon in anger and just storms out of the room.

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