Chapter 1

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Three boys decked up in trendy clothes sat in a high end bar in Bangkok clinking their glasses.

"For getting graduated"

"To new beginnings"

"To freedom"

A silver haired guy wearing black denim, white t shirt and black jacket looks at his friend sitting opposite him with a huge smile on his face. His friend is wearing a blue denim with white tshirt and brown jacket.  His smile is so wide that his dimples are shown on his face and all the girls around them are drooling over him.

Silver haired guy: Freedom and you. You are joining your dad's office in a week."


Niran: Sorry. I just couldn't resist seeing that stupid smile on your face Aroon.

Aroon: I just wanted to spend a day not thinking about it and you just had to ruin it.

Niran just grins looking at his friend's frustrated face.

"Why don't you speak to your dad if you are not interested in joining the company."

Aroon looks at his other bestfriend Kiet, sitting beside him quietly till now.  He has sharp eyes and strong jawline He is right now staring at him intensely ,waiting for his answer.

Aroon:It's not that I am not interested in the business but his expectations of me are overwhelming. He want me to stop playing around and get serious.

Kiet: We can't blame him for that. The board of directors are looking for someone reliable to take over the company. Your nightlife is no secret to them and your dad just wants to change their opinion about you.

Aroon: But I am so young. Why would I stop playing at this age?

Niran: You just play too much and too often.

Aroon: You are just jealous of my casanova image.

Niran: You think so?

Aroon: I know so. I think it's time for me to live up to my name.

Aroon was looking across the bar at a group of girls who just entered the bar. They took a seat at the table across theirs.

Aroon: Shit

Niran: What's wrong?

Aroon: Why do we have nerds like them in a high end bar like this? Those idiots are just blocking my view.

Niran and Kiet looks at a small group of boys seated at the bar. They looked quite simple.

Kiet: You really need to watch your tongue and stop judging people.

Aroon: Come on. Do they look like someone who belongs here?

Niran looks at the guys once again and a sly smile appears on his face.

Niran: Hey Aroon

Aroon: Hmm

Niran: You take great pride in being a casanova, right?

Aroon: Yes

Niran:So,let me challenge you. I need you to seduce that guy and spend a night with him.

Niran says that and points his finger at a guy in full sleeve grey tshirt and blue jeans. He is wearing a pair of glasses and braces on his teeth. Aroon looks at the guy in horror.

Aroon: That nerd?

Niran: Hmm

Aroon: But

Niran: What? Feeling cold feet?

Aroon: NO, NEVER. I am in.

Niran: If you win, I will be your slave for a week.

Aroon: Deal?

Niran: Deal

They shake their hands to seal the deal.

Aroon looks at the guy from top to bottom. He is dressed as a typical nerd. He is not sure if his natural charms will work on this guy. He is lost in his thoughts while his friends are looking at him and then at each other.  After 15  minutes, Aroon sees the guy's friends say goodbye to him and walk out of the bar leaving him alone at the bar.

Aroon: I think it's time for me to work my charms.

Niran: Good luck

Aroon gets up from their table and walks towards the bar.

Kiet: What the hell are you doing Niran? Why did you provoke him?

Niran: It's just a game. He is going to lose this time.

Kiet: How do you know?

Niran: The guy at the bar is our senior Atid Chanthara.  He just got his heart broken during our graduation when one of our batchmates who happens to be his girlfriend cheated on him.

Kiet: Shit

Niran: He is still heartbroken and will never accept him

Kiet: Ever heard of the term rebound Mr.Niran?

Niran looks at Kiet with his eyes wide open.

Niran: Shit

Kiet: Get ready to be his slave Niran. You are going to regret this challenge.

Niran looks at Aroon who just reached the bar counter.  His heart falls to his stomach, as he watches Aroon pulling a chair next to Atid with a huge smile on his face.

Niran: I am doomed.

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