42) Goodbyes

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We set off towards Statesville to meet our busload of children and other refugees, including Adam and Sarah, who have gone ahead of us to forge our path towards what we all pray is sanctuary. After a brief discussion, everyone decides to go. Leia, Tommy, Marla, and Patrick plan on joining up again with the Resistance or maybe the real United States Army if they can find them, but first they want to make sure the children are safely on their way. Leia hasn't forgotten her second chance even if she has found her new soulmate in Patrick.

Carli and Jack decide to go towards Pilot Mountain at the last minute. Jack, ever Torin's number one security guard, believes it is important to check out the Canadians in Pilot Mountain one last time. After talking briefly to Agent Lancaster and Torin, Jack wants to see if this might be the most viable option to get Torin back home. One quick re-assessment, and they plan to intercept us in Elkin.

The Santa Claus motorcycle riders accompany Jack and Carli because they still think Jack is the prince no matter what Cindy or others say. The fact that Agent Lancaster, obviously a member of his majesty's secret service, goes along for the ride in the red jeep, convinces them even more they are protecting the right man. They have sworn to keep the prince safe, and they will.

I watch as Carli gets on the back of a motorcycle with her arms around the pretend prince. I know I'll see her soon because those motorcycles and that jeep will be a lot faster than our convoy that includes an old pickup full of kids and an ice cream truck.

As we pull out, Baby Christopher makes sure our departure is serenaded by a honking horn.

I will miss Marla's gramma's place. It was our shelter in the storm. I look over at my prince who looks unusually sad and worried as he watches Carli and Jack ride away in the opposite direction.

"Don't worry," I say. "They'll be right back." I don't even wave goodbye because they'll probably beat us to Elkin.

Torin nods and smiles and reaches for my hand and kisses it and says, "My lady."

I say a silent prayer that the Canadians will offer safe passage to my prince, but I don't know if I will be able to survive without him. Tears try to form in my eyes, but I refuse to spend my last day with my prince crying. I smile back at Torin.

"My prince," I say as I lean in for a kiss which brings a kid chorus of "Eliot and the prince sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G...."

I am oddly happy and content because I know my prince will soon be safe. He has to be because I love him, I really love him. If losing him, maybe forever, means keeping him safe, I am all for it, even if I never see Torin again.

The End for Now

Eliot Strange and the Prince of the PeopleWhere stories live. Discover now