Look Into My Eyes

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The sky broke open with a deafening roar, an explosion of lightning and smoke as I stared into those blackened eyes, burning coals in the chaos. 

He smirked at me, a dark hand reaching out to me as chaos ensued behind him, "Let's do this together," his voice was smooth and velvety it carried itself with a powerful tilt on each word. 

My mind blazed as I reached for my sword pulling it free of its holster, my breath uneven as I lunged forward towards him, aiming straight for the heart. He analysed each of my movements before they even came to fruition and in a flash he was before me his own sword blocking mine. 

I exerted all the force I possibly could hearing the scream of metal against metal, "Why would I ever work with you?" I hissed my teeth gritted and my jaw set. 

His eyes sparkled with a definitive confidence, becoming inexplicably darker, "We can't fight each other forever," he mused expertly knocking me back with his sword. I skidded backwards planting my feet as a rush of air pulled me towards the ground.

I bent my knees against the force being exerted against me, another frown painting itself onto my features. Ash and smoke clung to my lungs as I sputtered out, "You underestimate how stubborn I am Owen,"

I lurched forward planning another attack, faking left and then twirling right, he didn't expect the move so my blade nicked his exposed shoulder where his shirt had burnt, a thick trail of blood gushed from where the sword had hit but his face never changed. It remained set in stone with that infuriating grin: the epitome of arrogance. 

"Come now, Kayla, " his brooding voice sounded as he too rushed towards me, "We could be so good together," his eyes seemed to glow at the statement a brilliant onyx black that melted into nothing. An abyss that you could fall into and never escape. His whole pupil was consumed by darkness; he was using uncouth methods to convince me to join him.

"What would I get from joining the likes of you?" I ground out, shutting my eyes and letting my other senses take over feeling the hot air brush against my skin, hearing the swing of a sword and manoeuvring my own blade to block it all without taking a single look. 

"We cannot be rivals forever, someday, someday soon you will realise that I am your only choice. You will have to join me one way or another," I could feel him closing in on me. My mind raced as my nose was filled with that all too familiar smell of mint and smoke. 

My heart pummelled against my chest, "I don't need you."

"But I need you," whispering so very close to me that I could feel his warm breath on the shell of my ear. 

"Look into my eyes,"  I did: then I knew we would have to join each other once and for all. 

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