Baby Tomlinson ~Louis Tomlinson Fanfiction~

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"Amber Roberts, stop that right now!", the teachers sharp, high-pitched voice rang out across the classroom. Amber had been texting Louis Tomlinson, her best friend since birth. He was now in England, were she should be, but since her mum had made her, she was stuck in America. It wasn't all bad. She was pretty, popular, head of the cheerleading team. She was that girl everyone else wanted to be. 

Amber scowled and shoved her phone back into her pocket, but nor before sending the text that read "Yeah, mum said she wanted to talk to me and Lily so I dunno."

"Lily", thought Amber. "I hate her so much."

She glanced across the room at her soon-to-be step-sister. Her blonde hair fell in curls to her shoulders, and her eyes were a bright blue. Her skin is pale, but freckled.

Amber, on the other hand, had straight black hair, tanned skin, brown eyes and dimples. She was mean sometimes, but that was really just anger and sadness she had bottledd up coming out upon other people. Her father died the year before while fighting in a war. Her mum had gotten with another man, who Amber hated, and was now pregnant with twins. It's been about a month since that happened.

Earlier that morning, before Amber and Lily had left for school, her mum said she wanted to speak to them when they got home. She looked happy, so it couldn't be bad.

The bell rang loudly, causing amber to jump and snap out of her thoughts. She grabbed hr bag and walked confidently out the door. Through the packed hallways out the main door, and down the road to her house. She had all her homework in her bag, although it was unlikely she would do it.

She opened the front door when she got home, closely followed by Lily. Blaine and Kurt the golden retreivers bounded up to them, licking their hands (yes, Amber is a Klaine shipper). "Sarah?", Lily called, shooting Amber a worried look. "In here!", she called from the sitting room. The two girls went into the sitting room to see Amber's mum and Lily's dad sitting on the couch. "Sit, girls",he said kindly. "We have some news", Amber's mum said. Amber and Lily looked at her expectantly. "We're moving to Doncaster again"

Amber's face fell. "Seriously?!", she screeched, standing up. "You drag me all the way to America, and just when everything's alright, you decide to take me away again?!". Amber stormed out of the room, and up to her bedroom.  She collapsed onto her bed, staring at the ceiling. Her life was perfect, how could her mum just go and ruin it? Sure, she loved England, but she would have to build a whole new reputation there.

She sat up, taking in the pictures on the wall. The endless pictures of herself and Louis, back when they were young and inseperable. He called often, but it just wasn't the same. She decided to call now, he was going to find out some time anyway, and he would rather hear it from her. She grabbed her phone and called him. It rang a few times before he picked up. "Hi Amber!", he chirped. 

"Hi Lou", she sighed.

"What's wrong darling?", he said with concern in his voice.

"We're moving to Doncaster again", she said, her voice sounding small. 

"Babe, that's good!", he roared with happiness. "We can see each other alot, and we can-"

"Lou!", Amber laughed. 

"As soon as you get back, we're going out and having a girly heart-to-heart, 'kay babe?", he said sassily. Amber laughed and agreed. "I love you Amber", Louis said softly. "I love you too Louis", she said happily. 

"When are you coming back?", he asked. 

"I don't know", she said.

"Well, I'm going to make it the best time of your life", he said.

"Thanks Lou", Amber laughed. That boy could never fail to make her -or anyone for that matter- laugh. "I gotta go now", she said. "Ok, I'll talk to you soon", Louis said. Amber hing up just as there was a knock on her door. "Amber, honey, I'm really, really-"

"Mum, it's fine", Amber sighed. Her mum stopped. "You're-you're sure?", she asked. "Yes, I'm sure", Amber replied. "When are we going?"

"Next week", her mum said. "Time to get packing!"


Amber had had everything packed for a week, her room was so empty now. She took one last look at it before sweeping down the stairs and away from her whole life. 

As she boarded the plane she looked out over California one last time. (A/N Don't know if there is an airport in California, I'm just guessing) 

She sat next to Lily, ignoring her. She knew it was mean, but she felt as if Lily's dad was trying to replace Amber's. Blaine and Kurt were travelling on the plane as well, but underneath, where they luggage goes. (A/N Again, I know nothing about planes, so this is all guesswork)

Amber put her earphones in, turned the music up and fell asleep. Hours later she was being woken up by her mum. "We're here sweetie", she said, shaking her shoulder gently. Amber stood up and stretched, then grabbed her carry-on bag and walked down the steps from the plane. In the waiting area, she saw a tall figure wave at her, a huge grin on his face. He was wearing grey skinny jeans, a black jacket, a beanie and sunglasses. His brown hair fell over his tanned face.

"Amber!", he yelled, running towards her with his arms outstretched. Amber ran into his arms and he picked her up and spun her around, his hair buried in her black hair. "I missed you so much!, he said. "I missed you too Loubear!", she exclaimed, taking him in. "You've changed", she remarked, taking him in.

"You have too", he smirked. "Mmhm", he hummed, looking her up and down. "Cheeky!", she exclaimed, smacking his shoulder. "Louis!", Amber's mum exclaimed, pulling him into a hug. "Hi Sarah!", he cried.


The next morning Amber met Louis in Starbucks. "Time for that heart-to-heart!", he exclaimed happily, pulling her closer to him, his arm wrapped around her. "What've you been up to then?", Amber asked.

"Missing you", Louis sighed. Amber laughed, while Louis looked at her funnily. "What?!", he exclaimed. "I missed you so much", she laughed, hugging him again. "I missed you more", he said, hugging her tightly. "Uhm, Amber?", Louis said, clearing his throat. "Yeah?", she asked confusedly, pulling away. "I've known you for all your life, and I think it's time i asked you something. Will you be my girlfriend?", he asked nervously. Amber's face broke into a smile. "Of course, Lou!"

Louis kissed her, ignoring the flashes of cameras around them.


Half an hour later, Amber's phone screen lit up, showing a text from her mum. We're going to Johannah's for dinner tonight xx, it read. "Well Lou, looks like I'm going to yours for dinner", Amber said, showing him the text. "Perfect!", he exclaimed.

*That's the first part. Vote please? You can kinda tell from the title what the stories about, but this is only getting it started. Amber still has to meet One Direction! :D Thank you to everyone xx*

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