Louis Tomlinson, I'm pregnant

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"I'll have them!", said Niall eagerly, and Amber handed them to him.

"I would've thought you'd be hungry, y'know after last night", winked Harry, earning himself a smack on the back of the head from Zayn. "He's just jealous of you, Harry'd love to sleep with Louis", Zayn laughed. Amber laughed along with the other boys. "I heard your mum is getting married", stated Liam conversationally. Amber nodded and said "Yeah, later on this year".

"We could, like, sing", offered Niall. "So you don't have to pay for a band or whatever", Louis butt in.

"Really?", Amber asked. "Yeah!", said Harry eagerly. "Thanks guys", Amber smiled. "Ooh, I can't wait", squealed Louis.


A month passed, they boys visited often, but they know had a couple of months off. Amber was sitting on the sofa reading a magazine and Louis was in the kitchen of her house, making tea.

"I'm 16 and haven't had my p-", as Amber read that bit a realisation dawned on her. Worry spread through her and she called Louis, putting the magazine down. "Whats wrong Ambear?", he asked, hearing the worry in her voice.

"I'm late", she said while pacing up and down.

"Late for what?", he asked, frowning slightly, a line appearing between his eyes.

"Late you idiot! Late!", she cried, throwing her hands in the air. Louis' face fell and the edges of his mouth turned down slightly. Amber stopped pacing and sighed, turning to face him. "I'm sorry Louis, I'm just...", she gave up trying to explain and hugged him.

Louis hugged her back and then said he was going to go to the shops.

He returned a while later with a box of pregnancy tests in his hand. "Do it", he urged. Amber took them and went and did it. She sat on the bathroom floor for a few minutes before checking it.

The results showed positive. Amber's heartbeat raced and she sunk down to the floor. What will Louis say?, she thought. What will mum say? She's already pregnant. "Louis!", Amber called rather hoarsely. "What does it say baby?", he called, running up the stairs two steps at a time. He burst through the door to see Amber on the floor her head in her hands.

"Amber", he said softly. "This is OUR baby, right? So I'm going to be here for you both. We'll tell our parents, tell the boys and tell management, and if they don't like it, well too bad. I love you". By this time his arms were wrapped around Amber's shoulders and her head was buried in his chest. "C'mon darling", Louis said softly, helping her up. "Your parent will ve home soon".

"Can we tell Jay first?", Amber asked. "Sure babe. Now?", Louis asked.

"Yeah", Amber said, smiling softly. "I have a feeling that we're gonna be the best parents ever", grinned Louis. "Lucky kid, you as a dad!", Amber laughed. "Lucky kid, you as a mum!", Louis smiled in response.

They had now reached Jay's house, passing his sister's who were in the garden, playing. "Mum?" Louis called, opening the door. "In here Lou!", she called from the kitchen. Louis and Amber went in and Jay hugged them both. "Hi guys! She said happily. "Whats with the visit?" she asked. "We have some news" Amber started, pulling a chair out and sitting at the table. Jay put down the plate in her hands and sat down. "We're having a baby", Louis stated, sitting down too. There was silence for a moment before Jay got up and hugged them both. "I'm so happy for you guys!", she cried. "Mum, you're suffocating us", pointed out Louis, his voice muffled. "Sorry", she laughed, releasing them both. "You're bit angry at us or anything?", Amber asked. "Of course not!" Jay gasped.

An hour later Amber, Louis, Sarah, Sam and Lily. Blaine and Kurt lay on the ground, wagging their tails. "Whats up guys?", Sam asked. Amber took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant", she breathed. Sam and Sarah were silent before Sarah said "Amber, we're going to support you all the way through this. I understand you haven't exactly had an easy life. Your father died, you moved to America, supportes Sam and I, accepted Lily, supported my being pregnant, moved back to Doncaster. You supported us, so we'll support you", she said softly.

"Thank you mum", Amber said, getting up to hug her, and Sam gave Louis a fatherly hug. "Take care of her", he whispered so only Louis could hear.

*And there's part three! Do you want a boy or a girl? Leave name suggestions in the comments, though I have a few ;) Vote please! :)xx*

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