The Surprise

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Villanelle smirked as she opened her eyes to her partner's tired grin, "Good morning, Eve."

"Morning," Eve sighed peacefully. Her expression was relaxed as V took in her features. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes," she smiled as Eve leaned forward to place a gentle kiss on her forehead. They both lay opposite eachother on their bed: staring into eachother's eyes.

"I have a present for you," Villanelle announced while twirling a strand of Eve's hair between her fingers.

"What?" The agent smiled, "why?"

"It's the anniversary of the first time we saw eachother," Villanelle chuckled at Eve's panicked expression. "Don't worry, I didn't expect you to remember. It was supposed to be a surprise."

"Oh," Eve sighed as she sat up and leaned against the headboard. "So what is it?"

"Patience, Eve," V smirked before reaching under the bed for a navy blue box with a red bow on it.

She looked down at the box enthusiastically before handing it carefully to Eve.

"Okay, congratulations, I'm excited," Eve snorted while admiring the box.

V watched eagerly as Eve undid the bow and took the lid off the box. Inside was red tissue paper and three individual gifts.

Eve stared at the gifts in awe before handing Villanelle a loving glance.

She took out the first gift which was a personalised perfume bottle. It was identical to the Villanelle perfume, however it depicted a different name: Eve.

She sprayed the bottle on her wrist and lifted it up to her nose. The scent was indescribable. She closed her eyes to savour it.

She then gently placed the bottle down and took out the next gift. It was a long slim fitted black dress that would suit Eve perfectly. She felt the material with her fingers: it was soft.

With the last present Eve could not surpress her laughter. It was a jar of Mustard. She lifted it up and showed it to Villanelle; waiting for an explanation.

"That day we had curly fries you said you liked mustard," V shrugged. She tilted her head to the side and watched contently as Eve laughed.

"I do. I love it. I love these presents. And I love you." Eve sighed joyously. "Thank you, Villanelle."

Villanelle smirked while waving her hand nonchalantly.

"It's all so thoughtful. I can't believe you did all this," Eve smiled. She placed the box to the side and leaned forward to kiss V.

However, Villanelle placed a finger on her lips and raised an eyebrow, "hmm I don't think so."

"What?" Eve scoffed in amusement.

"If you want a kiss you have to get me a present first," V stated as if it were obvious. She failed to hide her smile at Eve's offended expression.

"Are you serious?"

"Deadly," Villanelle said, tasting every letter.

Eve huffed in frustration and fell back in her bed, throwing the pillow over her face. "I'm going back to sleep." Her voice was muffled.

"Sorry, baby," Villanelle grinned mischievously before getting out of bed and putting on a hoodie.

"Screw you," Eve mumbled.

Villanelle chuckled as she sauntered out of the room; wondering what her present would be.

Luckily for Eve, she had already got an idea in her mind. She closed her eyes and smiled; excited to give V her surprise.


"Hey! Open the door! This is heavy!" Eve shouted from outside the cabin. "Villanelle, hurry! I'm cold!"

Villanelle chuckled at her partner before swinging open the door to a frozen Eve holding a large box.

"What is that?" V asked while closing the door after her partner.

"Your present," the agent shivered as she gently placed the box on the floor. She took off her coat and placed it on the table.

"My what?" V furrowed her eyebrows and crossed her arms.

Eve stared at Villanelle incredulously,  "You didn't think I'd get one did you?"

"Ha, no, I figured I'd just kiss you at the end of the day anyway." The assassin smiled.

"I hate you," Eve sighed in annoyance.

"You love me."

"I do." The agent smiled.

Villanelle gestured her head towards the box, "what's in there?"

"Take a look," Eve smirked before taking a seat.

"I do love presents." Villanelle smiled as she kneeled down next to the box and lifted the lid off of it.

"I know," Eve grinned.

The assassin's smile faded as she saw what was in the large box. A soft, fluffy white dog panted happily and jumped out.

V froze as she watched the dog run around the living room. She seemed hesitant. "You got me a crusty white dog?"

"I did," the agent chuckled in amusement at her partner's wording.

V frowned, "pets don't usually like me."

The dog charged forward excitedly and jumped up on Villanelle. Licking her face and wagging his tail. His eye's glowed with joy.

"Well I'd say this "crusty white dog" does." Eve beamed.

Villanelle slowly began to smile as she lifted her hand to gently stroke the dog. "Hello." She chuckled softly before lifting the dog up and staring into his eyes. "Does he have a name?"

Eve shook her head, "no, I thought you might have a name in mind. He kind of looks like someone we used to know. Don't you think?"

Villanelle smiled as her eyes shone with joy, "Konstantin."

Eve nodded in approval, "yep."

"Hello little Konstantin," V snorted while stroking the dog, "you are so energetic, huh? Do you want some food? I'm going to get you some food." She nodded before leaving the room; Konstantin following after her excitedly.

Eve smiled proudly at herself and looked down at her nails. She should probably paint them soon. Maybe a colour that would match her dress, she thought absent-mindedly. Just as she was about to grab the nail polish she turned her head to see Villanelle running towards her with an overjoyed expression.

"Hey," Eve chuckled.

"He just shook my hand," V said contently.

Eve laughed, "a distinguished gentleman, huh?"

"That's right," V nodded.

She glanced at Eve and smiled before reaching for her chin and leaning forward. Their mouths were mere centimetres apart when she whispered, "thank you." And gave her the promised kiss.

Authors Note:

Hi! If any of you have any ideas for oneshots that you want to read please comment :)

I'm running out of ideas hahah

Have a lovely day!


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