chapter one

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I want to start a journal, not for a good reason though. I want to be able keep track of patterns of things I do or others do, like chat patterns or how to get my way with them. That could be useful if I wanted to use peoples words against them. of course if I told anybody about my reasons for the journal I would look like a manic. 

I also want to become a author, to tell stories that only my brain can come up with, something new and creative. 

or maybe a lawyer? that could be fun arguing for money, using logic and wit to prove your dominance.  

or I'll sit here for all eternity, envisioning all the things I want to be but never can.

I like that option. 


 or not.

"I'm not dead or alive I am staring at the abyss of the underworld and watching the souls of the innocent suffering for all eternity." I spoke with a monotonous voice staring at the wall with a intense stare.

"not creepy at all." my friend Angelina said sarcastically, moving her body to block my view of the wall as I saw a carriage pass by close to my house from outside the window.

"I agree it is perfectly normal and I do it everyday." I say still remaining monotonous and staring at where the wall would be as she blocks my view.

"are you mentally stable?"

"I don't think so." I said bluntly

"GOOD ANSWER!" she shouted loudly and enthusiastically and continued, "anyway your mother wants you to come home." 

"alright. any information on why?"

"nope, she looked like she was going to say something that would break her heart" 

"I'm not going to ask how your so good with emotions, is that your soul trait? empathy?" I ask sarcastically and rhetorically.

"kindness actually! so close! but you should get to your mom before you forget." she says going from happy to sad real quick. 

and without saying anymore than a quick goodbye. (knowing she's going to ask for MY soul trait, that's where the discussion always goes anyway.) I rushed out the room, down the flight of stairs, past the table, waved a quick goodbye to her father in the kitchen, and out the door of the house. and I didn't run into the corner of the table! score! 

I ran out onto the cobble path with my feet beating onto it harshly and skidding to a halt to move my feet around a small flower trying to grow in the pavement, got to respect that determination. 

I picked up speed again and took a left then a right, another right, a left and a left again and some of running forward to get to my house. I was very lucky that in Lumenatia women don't have to wear dresses (they still do, for some reason though) or I might have tripped by now. 

I stopped Infront of my cottage-house-thing that was overgrown with weeds, moss and other hanging plants crawling down the sides walls.

I proceeded to knock at a very loud volume on the door to get attention of anybody on the other side of the building.

"coming~" the muffled voice behind the door spoke in a sing-Songy way

the door opened up to reveal a 17 foot monster with black gooze dripping off the arms of it and yellow fading to brown sharp teeth with giant neon green wings and-

just kidding it was my mother. (but she can act like a monster in more was then one sometimes)

"hey sweety, come in" she paused to open the door for me "how was your day?"

"meh, but get to the point please. you are good at getting of topic." as I said as straightforward as I could. this her face fell a bit but she kept her smile.  

"come sit on the couch we have something to talk about." 


20-8-15-21 8-1-19-20 23-1-19-20-5-4 20-8-9-14-5 20-9-13-5


AN: I'm not going to do a lot of these for the sake of making the pages cleaner and so you don't read a authors note thinking that it was the actual book. (like I have before but we don't talk about that) also, I'm not going to include cross in this book unless its a quick mention of him for the convenience of having less characters to have to include in a scene.

also please vote on my chapters! it helps others find my book quicker. 

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