chapter four

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to say next day was a living hell would be a understatement.  

I woke up to the sound of a child screaming at around 6 o' clock getting about 5 hours of sleep.

some kid PUKED all over the carpet of boy's bedroom and I had to clean it up because the other teen here was making breakfast. (their name is frisk, they sucks. they also cant cook making them suck even more.)

I then had to make breakfast because frisk burnt the food they were making, leading to me having to cook food, at least I make a sick pancake.

the only upside from the day was doing a debate on winning, losing, and compromising.

frisk said that compromises are a win-win thing, and I said its a lose-lose thing. 

they said "alright, some guy is cleaning the sidewalk and some other guy is cleaning the windows they want to do the other job so they switch." 

and I said "that's not a compromise, a compromise never is a win-win, a compromise is something where nobody gets EVERYTHING they want, and I don't know about you but I don't want to do any work if I can."

this continued and I won, if you didn't know.  

arguing is fun.

after that hell of a morning the next few hours seemed to fly by and then night time came around

at exactly eight at night I said goodnight to the hyper children and went into my room. I waited until ten to change into a reddish-black outfit that could be considered something an assassin would wear. I put a quick pitch black symbol onto it that looked like a eyeball on a upside-down table balancing on a crossed out ovel balancing on a triangle.

don't ask how my brain comes up with these things.

I don't know. (well actually I just drew a triangle then started drawing other random shit-)

the first order of business was getting out of the house without being spotted which was simple enough, climb out the window and do a bunch of slow movements and jumping. which sounds easy until you realize you have to find a way to jump down from a three story building.

then I had to break into a house, grab some money, and skedaddle. that was the hard part, I jumped onto the straw roof of a house broke a window and gagged somebody who tried to scream for help. I then looked under beds and inside cabinets and finally found a safe that for some dumb reason wasn't locked. who does that? not that I'm complaining though. 

I swear I'm a main character. 

I then had to get back to the orphanage without getting caught and going to jail/dying, but I got cornered in a alleyway.

well. I didn't get cornered. some other random dude did, actually he kind of was just trapped in some rope and hanging from the ceiling. for some reason the trap didnt trigger a bell or something. maybe he is the main character. damn it.

oh did I mention he was a skeleton? 

so in a attempt to tease a fellow thief. (or I think he was one anyway) i said a pun.

a fucking pun.

"so how's it hanging up there?" I said emphasizing the word hanging 

he let out a small chuckle. 

"oh just sansational" he said motioning to his trapped self.

I don't get it.

"is that like your name or another word for getting trapped while robbing somebody?"

"its my name"


"yep" he, sans, said popping the P


"are you going to let me out?"



"just kidding"


and so I cut him out using my daggers and the rope fell to the floor like in one of those cartoons

"thanks kid. see ya around"

and then he disappeared. (insert poof sound effect here)

oh and he left me a bottle of ketchup.



as you shut her journal and turned off the lights and went to sleep. then, the symbol on your new assassins suit as you would call it, started to glow. and the symbol started to fly around until it landed on the cover of your journal. the cover transformed into a old looking book with a black leather casing with the white symbol right in the dead center. 

more numbers burned into the pages

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