chapter six

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this time frisk woke me up instead of screaming children. which was nice, if it wasn't the start of the month. wait wait, start if the month. it was chore day.

chore day means you have to get up, make the bed, run to the kitchen make breakfast, teach a kid to read, wash the dishes, run to make sure frisk is doing their job, make them make other kids beds, run to the garden, water flowers, weed said garden, run back inside, catch frisk not cleaning up the kids toys, mop the floors, and sit on my bed for a hour until lunch time, and do it all as quickly as you can so you don't get screamed at for slacking.

at lunch time I left the orphanage to go to the skelebro's house only to be greeted with frisk standing outside the door, I was confused as so were they. but then the door opened.

"HUMAN FRISK COME IN-" papyrus paused looking at me, and continued "AND HUMAN Y/N. I DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE COMING"

"I didn't know frisk comes here too."


"I know them. we work at the orphanage together. they suck at their job." 

frisk looked fake offended but nodded none the less.


"they burnt the pasta you gave me." I mean come on, you just had to microwave that shit. not implying that the spaghetti tasted like shit, I'm sure it tasted fine before frisk burnt it.

"HOW COULD YOU HUMAN FRISK!" and he pulled frisk aside to scold.

I entered the house to see sans lying on the couch with his legs spread across from end to end.

"get up and you can take your laziness to your room, we have stuff to talk about that I don't was frisk overhearing." I whisper into his none-existent ear. 


"I'll turn you into the guards." 

"nope. cause ill tell them you work with me"

"I'm female, they wouldn't believe I could do anything like that. I'm 'too weak'" 

"got me there." 

he proceeded to grab my hand and we poofed from the living room into his bedroom, i felt a sense of nausea but it got over quickly as he sat us down on the bed and we planned our next heist. 

in less than a month we try would rob the castle's royal bank. and then I could buy a home and leave the orphanage and sans could pay for his brothers school loans and stuffs. 

the first problem is we need to actually get INTO the vault, and to do that sans will teleport us outside the castle. (we cant just teleport in because there is a magic barrier protecting the castle from any magic that could be used to break in) then from there I lure the guards to sans and he would do some bone attacks to knock em out (or kill them no clue, don't care, not my job) then we would use rope n' shit to climb onto a window and circle the castle until we can get in. from there we would go into the throne room and move the rug to get into the entrance...

we continued onward with doing our plans until we realized we would have to map out the castle. 

sans said that he would handle it and that I should go home, after all it was late.

I left the room to find frisk standing at the wall by the door with their ear pressed to it with a cup.

"uh..." they mumbled

"what. are. you. doing."


"ah fuck it I don't have time for this, sans can handle it." I said as sans walked out with a glowing blue eye looking at frisk as frisk shrunk back in fear.

and I proceeded to walk out the door with a shaking frisk standing by Sans's room. 

I walked out the door and past a alleyway to hear the sound of yelling and minor sounds of something breaking, which would be normal on any other day but today noting it was a Sunday and guards don't kill random folk on Sundays. 

I took a quick turn and did a bit of climbing  got onto the roof of the alleyway and waited for the people yelling to come into my sight. 


you closed the journal to stare at the roof as the yelling increased. finally it was loud enough and close enough for you to hear what was being said.

a kingdom of iron and rust (nightmare sans x reader)Where stories live. Discover now