chapter twelve

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I woke up to screaming, this is a great start to today.

I did a quick look around my room, since I was very tired from sitting in a tree, a cell, and standing in a throne room (lots of work I know) I never got to see what the room actually LOOKED LIKE. 

the room had a solid gray wall with what seemed to be a black and white map of the main AUS. it also had one of those bed-couches but instead of the bed being hidden in the couch the mattress replaced the couch cushions. there was also one of those leather office chairs that you never use but like because it spins. and lastly a conveniently-shaped-but-broken lamp.

I got up and tripped on a loose dog. it was just kind of just a dog... in the path of the door. yeah... I bet that's not even the weirdest bit in the house. 

ten bucks says nightmare has a emo room.

anyway to figure out where the yelling was coming from you left the bedroom and wandered the castle until you found the source of noise.
the kitchen (bum bum BUM)

I saw from the hallway three skeletons fighting over... something?
I leaned on the doorway to watch the chaos. 

"OH MY GOD ERROR GIVE IT" the hooded figure (who I learned was named dust...pan) shouted at error

"nO" error said holding a piece of pizza with his strings 

oh. its a battle for the last piece of left over pizza.

"mine now" said killer after cutting the strings off with his Gaster blaster master skills.

horror was watching at the doorframe with me and decided to join in on the fun (just for the food) because he learned he couldn't eat me, after that we became friends.) and he gave me a grin then slid under killer, disarmed him and right as he was about to eat it, I noticed nightmare coming down the hall and I snatched the pizza from horror and readied to throw it.




"NIGHTMARE CATCH!" I shouted at the top of my lungs and threw the pizza at him. I knew I had outsmarted the other skeletons making the pizza inaccessible because they wouldn't ever fight their BOSS over something that dumb.

he entered the room confused as fuck, probably about to yell at the skeletons. then he heard me screaming and noticed the flying pizza coming at him. he, with impeccable reaction time grabbed it and ate it. the skeletons looked shocked (minus nightmare) and I looked at them with a smug look.

nightmare then left the room very calmly and left to do god knows what.

I walked pasted them and opened the fridge and took out some milk, cereal, and ketchup. I then threw the ketchup at horror and walked away with the whole milk carton and the whole box of cereal.

new goal: find books and be a nerd.

I found myself discovering the training grounds but not the library
but then I felt it.
the vibe you get when you find something nerdy.
and it was coming from the right.
or maybe that's just nightmares negativity-

turns out it WAS the library 

I walked into to see THOUSANDS and I mean THOUSANDS of books. I guess nightmare is a nerd at heart. or just studying the patterns of his enemies. either works for me, I get books.

I grabbed a book on mythology and started reading. that's until I noticed something was moving in the corner of my eye, and speak of the devil it was nightmare.

"what are you reading?" he spoke softly but firm if that makes sense.

"book on Egyptian gods"




"well I'm reading on the bit where Set tricks Osiris into getting into the coffin and killing him!" I say a bit happily but realized quickly that I sounded way to happy about that to be sane. oh well. he smirked at my outburst anyway.

I went on rambling, till the point i got tired. but, alas, I'm a awkward freak and I get even more awkward tired. and I tried to stay awake and wait for him to either dismiss himself or dismiss me. 

that moment never came.

and I fell asleep on nightmare.



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