Chapter 2

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The first day


*45 minutes later*

brrring-brrring-brrring-brrring-brrring-brrring-brrring-(still going)

"ugggh" the girl groaned. she turns over and realizes what time it is.

"holy crap!!!, im gonna be late!!!"

she was supposed to be up at 6:00, but it was now 6:35.
jane jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom, the entire time scolding herself. "I'm so stupid! Why couldn't I just of woken up the first time?!!!"

the brown headed girl's plan was to actually "try" for her first day but that all just went down the drain. she quickly brushed her teeth, and braided her hair, accidentally leaving strands out. (as shown below) the girl then just rushed and threw some mascara on and called it a day.

 (as shown below) the girl then just rushed and  threw some mascara on and called it a day

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she ran out of the bathroom with 10 minutes left before Hopper had to go. after she finished jumping into her jeans and putting on her tanktop and her windbreaker, she grabbed her backpack,shoes, and socks.

she only had time to put on one before there was only 1 minute left, and she was NOT taking the bus. she thought of it as just another way of people to talk to her. and jane was still not ready for that step yet.

thankfully hoppers car was still in the driveway. she got in and closed the door. "so, did you wake up late?" he asked with a smirk. "what are you talking about? no- i just wanted to sleep in a  bit., thats all." she stated. he started the car and pulled out of the drive way. "really that's all?" he said looking over at her. "of course that's all- i mean i didn't wake up late or anything, it was just planned like that." she blurted out. "uh-huh." the man said smiling again at her.

they reached school and the girl was starting to get the feeling of nervousness again. hopper must have see her sudden mood swing and said " you'll be fine. just smile and keep your head up,ok?" "she snapped out of her trance and gave a reassuring smile which of course she was faking. "call me if you need anything ok?" he said. "ye-yeah-of course. love you dad." "love you too." he  said. and with that he left. she turned around and the school looked huge to her. all of her worries came into her head at once "what if I cant get my locker open, or if I go into the wrong class, or if I bump into someone on accident???" thoughts scrambling  around in her head. she looked up at the sky and smiled, remembering what her mother told her, "even when the sun comes out and you can't see me anymore, just know i'm not gone."

"here goes nothing." she said, exhaling as she walked into her new school.

first when she walked in, she saw tons of people standing around in different groups. a girl from one of the groups gave her nasty glare. jane just smiled back and decided that wasnt going to ruin her day.

she went to the office to get her classes and locker information and didn't really hang aroun to talk to anyone. she reached her locker and  thankfully it wasnt as hard as she thought it would be. she put her stuff inside and took a penil pouch and a notebook since she was just going to science. when she walked in, thankfully there wasnt many people. but the few people who were, were staring at her. she sat in the back corner since there was no one there. more people gradually came in once the bell rang. class had started when a red headed girl came rushing into class with a skateboard in her hands with a ton of stickers on it. she was walking towards the back of the room when mr.clark(jane's science teacher) stopped her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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