Dear Diary | Chapter 1

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Three weeks.

That's how long it's been since that monster left my mother and I. That's how long it's been since the club split up. That's how long it's been since everything started falling apart.

I thought all fathers were bad. I really did, for the longest time. Then Michael came along, and he showed me the fatherly love I'd lacked throughout my early childhood. He stepped in as my father. I gave him my trust.

And then he broke it.

He left my mother heartbroken, and he left me without a father for the second time in my life.

I was right. All fathers are bad, bound to let you down.

After the divorce, I assumed the club was gonna be fine. For the first few days, I was right, we were all okay, but I'd be lying if I said there wasn't some unspoken tension none of us dared to point out.

And then there was the argument...

It started with a few small insults between Hailey and me, mainly directed at our parents. Not long after, we were full-on arguing. At first, it was just Hailey and me, but eventually, it was all six of us, screaming at each other, desperately crying.

Once the bell rang, we all quickly went to our separate classes. Although nobody announced it, we all knew there would be no club practice the next day.

I miss them all. I really do. Milly, Sean, even Jake, but most of all, I miss Hailey. My sister and best friend. It's really a shame the two of us got caught in between our parents' split.

My poor sister Bethany, I know from experience that divorce can do a number on a young child. Although we haven't officially been to court yet, Michael and my mother both want shared custody, but until then she's been staying with Michael and Hailey.

These past three weeks have been absolutely miserable.

Except for one thing. Or, person, I should say.

The one person who's never failed to be my shoulder to cry on when I needed it the most.

My boyfriend and childhood best friend; Luke.

Out of everyone in the club, Luke and I are the only people who still talk. He's been so kind and supportive through all of this. He's checking up on me frequently and opens his arms every time I need to cry. I honestly have no clue how he puts up with me, I mean, I'm a mess, especially now more than ever. But, for whatever crazy reason, he loves me, and I'll always be grateful for that.

The person who's taking this hardest, though, is my mother. She spends her days sitting at the desk, staring out the window, and nights are reckless sobbing. I've barely gotten any sleep myself, heck, I don't think anyone in the club has, given the circumstances.

Finances have been tight for us, as well. Michael owned the house before my mother and I moved in, so after they agreed to get divorced, we had nowhere to go, considering my mother's whole family lives in Europe. We've had to stay in a motel until my mother can get a job to get us back on our feet.

I got a part-time job at Heather's Sweaters to earn a bit of extra cash, but school still is my priority. Given how close my and Luke's mothers are, Luke's family has been helping us a lot, too. Luke even got a job at Heather's Sweaters too, after I told him I was considering it. I know it's mainly for the money, but it's really nice getting some extra time to spend with him. Like a distraction.

I know my mother's going through a divorce, but if she doesn't find a job soon, I don't know how much longer we can afford to pay for the motel and groceries.

I just want my old life back, where everything was fine.

I was in a band. I had a happy family. I had five friends who cared about me deeply.

I had a good life.

-Zander Wickham

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