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This oneshot takes place during the wicked king (like near the beginning I guess??). It will mostly be smut. Also I just wrote it because I saw a prompt on TikTok so it does not really make sense.

I know I am very bad at making titles, I literally just stared at my word document for 15 minutes trying to come up with a good name and then I end up with this lmao??

Also, I am not a native English speaker so if my grammar is bad, I hope you understand. Feel free to correct me as I always want to improve my writing


Somehow, I've wound up on the dance floor. Tonight's revel has managed to carry me away, a day gorged with seemingly unsolvable problems, laced with headaches and doubt resulted in me finally resorting to wine. Not faerie wine, of course, I will not allow myself such stupidity, although it would help a lot more.

I'm not drunk, but rather slightly affected. Still, it is too Cardan of me to be a good thing.

Dozens of folks are around me, spinning wildly through the dances with their fae-grace. That's when I realize that I am dancing too, clumsily making my way through steps I hardly remember. Panic grips me, and I start to look for anyone who might help me, pull me out.

Instead, I find myself gazing upon an oak-leaf crown rested on soft, raven curls.

The king of Elfhame is dressed in the different shades of the night sky, and he is currently making out with a pink-skinned faerie whose existence he probably wasn't aware of until a few minutes ago.

Which isn't unusual, no, one could say it's quite the opposite. The thing is his eyes aren't on her.

He's staring at me, and when I meet his gaze, his mouth seems to clash harder against his dance partner's, his hands seem to move quicker over her small, pink back. In his eyes are what I once mistook for hatred. His soft lips likely taste bitter from the wine he's been pouring into his mouth all night.

That is something I ought not to know, nor should be thinking about. It annoys me, and for some reason that I can't understand, I grab the person closest to me and kiss them.

It's a pixie girl with small gossamer-wings and hair the colors of dawn.

She doesn't mind, and as her hands start to explore my body, I lift my gaze. Cardan is still looking at me, but the pink-skinned girl is gone. He clenches his jaw when the pixie's hands reach my hips, his eyes now burning.

He's jealous, I realize with no small amount of pleasure.

And then terror seizes me, because I have just gone out of my way to make Cardan jealous.

While I am busy drowning myself in stupid thoughts, long fingers close around my waist, and although I try to fight back, I am pulled into another room.

A sour smell of wine makes me instantly aware of who is behind me, and I don't hesitate before pulling out a knife from my shoe. I swing my body around and rest the blade against the pale skin of Cardan's throat.

He takes a step back and collides with a wall. Seldom have I felt such pleasure as I do when a troubled look creeps onto his face.

He has been the one throwing me out of balance long enough, now it's my turn.

"Just what do you think you're doing?", I ask and shift the angle of my knife. My triumph doesn't last long though, and frustration leaps through my body as his lips curl back to a smirk.

"Oh, just saving you from the terrible horror of dancing." He must've seen my panic when I realized that I was dancing. Judging by the amused look he gives me, my face is revealing too much of what is going about in my head.

Jurdan OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now