Completed Favor

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                   ⚠️WARNING: slight obsessiveness, swearing, yelling, slight verbal bullying
                                 Time: 10:34 am (Monday)
                                   Location: Bus

             "YOU WHAT??" Robin shouted, in complete disbelief. "I asked him to kiss me but that's not the point Robin," Steve whispered, trying to make sure nobody around heard him. "Then what was the point? You literally asked Eddie Munson, to kiss you!" she whisper-yelled. "His reaction dumbass, he couldn't kiss me, but he didn't react badly and he blushed," Steve said, through gritted teeth. "Holy shit," Robin laughed, causing Steve to raise an eyebrow. "You have a thing for Eddie Munson!" Robin whispered, cracking up. "No I do not, I like boobies, Robin I don't have a thing for that freak I was just seeing if he had one for me," Steve reminded. "You dumbass nobody that likes boobies would randomly uask a man to kiss them," she jokingly punched him. "Fuck, I hate that you're right," he whispered, obviously thinking hard on this one.

           "Steve!" Robin said, trying to shake her friend awake. "H-ghuh? What?" Steve looked around him, confused. "We're here dipshit come on lets go find your boyfriend," Robin half joked, now dragging Steve. "Holy shit I can't feel my ass," he yawned, not paying any attention to how Robin said boyfriend. But honestly, Steve thought about Eddie. He thought about him alot. And said thoughts always had mixed feelings. I mean sure, he wasn't gay. So maybe that's why he wouldn't mind being Eddie's boyfriend. Because he just couldn't bring himself to think of it as weird, or strange. Or maybe, just maybe, he did like Eddie. But that's impossible, right?

        "You have to partner up with one other person from the school. This is so we can make sure that nobody gets lost or kidnapped. You may only pick one person, so for gods sake, do not make it someone you don't like. everyone should have a partner-" the people in charge couldn't be heard by Steve. He was too lost in thought, at least until the end of the speech. "Hey Ro-" he started, going to ask if she would buddy up with him. "Fuck you Harrington I'm not gonna let you get lost," Eddie spat, Steve couldn't help but feel as if it were a little obsessive. Although, he didn't exactly... mind it.

        "Where the fuck did you come from Munson?" Steve asked, still in a slight state of shock. "Hell," he laughed. "Oh haha." Steve rolled his eyes. "Don't worry Harrington, I don't bite," Eddie chuckled, even though they weren't walking anymore, Eddie was still holding Steves hand- or arm. The feeling of his cold rings touching his skin- it was just a feeling he would never get over. But he wasn't gay, no, no he was not gay.

"Harrington check out the roller coaster," Eddie pointed out. It was tall, and had a shit ton of loops and the only word to describe it was...interesting. "Hell no," Steve answered. "Come on, enjoy yourself a little, will you Harrington?" Eddie begged, hoping to change the others mind. "Alright. I'll make you a deal, Eddie Munson," Steve spoke, making direct eye contact with Eddie. "Okay?" The other said, obviously confused. "I'll go on the roller coaster with you, if you tell me what you meant when you said 'that's why I do it'." Steve bargained, awaiting an answer. "You, Harrington, have got yourself a deal," Eddie agreed, not until after a little thought though, of course.

        "Holy shit I'm about to throw up," Eddie said, feeling dizzy

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"Holy shit I'm about to throw up," Eddie said, feeling dizzy. "You're such a pussy, Munson. You know that right?" Steve asked, stretching. "Anyways, where's my half of the deal," Steve looked, waiting for his previous question to be answered. "Bother you," Eddie said, a smile growing on his face. Steve rose an eyebrow. "I bother you because I love seeing the face you make when you're tired of my bullshit, it's funny to me," Eddie said, hoping to clear up any confusion. "That's it?" Steve asked, trying to confirm he had just heard him properly. "Yessir, not the answer you were expecting, huh?" Eddie laughed, pointing finger guns at the other. "No actually, not at all. I seriously overthought that," Steve answered, now staring at his feet. He was slightly embarrassed, but also glad he had an answer.

"Okay and so then I was thinking we could get cotton candy and head to the hotel," Steve looked over at Eddie. He was out of it, honestly. Eddie was just staring at Steve. Not checking him out, but trying to figure...something out about him. Who knew what though. "Eddie? Hello?" Steve said, waving a hand in front of the others face. "What? Oh yeah cotton candy, cool with me," Eddie responded, clearly still slightly out of it. "..Right then, so do you know what time it is?" Steve asked, trying to keep conversation. "So...You and Robi-" Eddie started. "Nope," Steve answered, before the other even got the chance to finish. "Right..right," Eddie continued walking. The moment was insanely awkward, and he didn't know if it was because of what had happened Saturday or not. "Look I'm sorry I asked you to kiss me. I did...not want things to get uncomfortable between us. I just, I don't know, I was testing something, okay?" Steve Reassured him. "Yeeah." Eddie said, dragging out the e. "Right," Steve said. "You know, if it helps I can. It just, surprised me. I mean I didn't exactly expect the Steve Harrigton to ask to kiss me," Eddie whispered, praying nobody heard them. "When we get back to the hotel?" Steve asked. "Yeah out in public is probably not the best idea," Eddie laughed.

"Fuck my feet hurt," Steve complained, as he sat down on one of the beds. "Right, so, are we gonna do this or..?" Eddie asked, obviously realizing how awkward the situation was. "Better now then never?" Steve said, although it sounded more like a question than anything. It was at that moment, that exact second, that Eddie took charge of the situation, and kissed Steve. Steve had finally gotten the answer to his question. He was not straight.

word count: 1030A/N: All ss are me and my goofy ahh friend ❤️

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word count: 1030
A/N: All ss are me and my goofy ahh friend ❤️

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