(MGS4) "Because I love you!!"

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* Raiden is injured coming back to rest up. He tries to leave before he is fully well, (Y/N) scolds him and confesses her love to him. This one's pretty short

* Just kind of angsty

Warnings:* Just kind of angsty

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The group had just returned, with both Raiden and Snake with severe injuries. It appeared as though Raiden had been stabbed multiple times, with a few of the wounds going all the way through his body.

"What happened out there!?!" You yelled out, hurrying over to Naomi and Otacon that were holding Raiden up. You helped them to set him down on the medical table, and asses the damages.

"It was vamp..." Naomi muttered, looking away from everyone.

"Um, who now?" You questioned, more than a little confused.

"He's imbedded with high functioning nano machines, they heal him quickly. Even or Raiden, it was troublesome to get him down." Naomi looked down at Raiden. Though he had a strained expression on his face, he looked to be asleep.
"He'll need an artificial blood transfusion, he lost a lot while we were in the helicopter." Naomi hooked up a few of the tubes to his spine, starting the process. Once he was hooked up, everyone else left to go do their own thing, likely to tend to their own wounds.

"Oh....Jack...." You whispered out. You caressed his face, seeing his eyes widen ever so slightly squinting at you.

"(Y/N)....." He spoke through his voice box, your name coming out like it had been played on a radio. Raiden passed out again, sleeping peacefully as the artificial blood flowed through him.

It has been two days, Raiden had stayed resting throughout that time. As much as he wanted to get back out into the fight, he didn't even have the strength to get back up on his feet by himself. You stayed by his side the whole time, sleeping near him to make sure he didn't try to leave when he clearly wasn't ready. And he had tried a LOTTTT. He was almost as stubborn as he was strong. Though now his strength was weakened, that didn't stop his stubborn attempts. Those stubborn attempts of his ended up with you tying him down to the medical table as you couldn't keep up with him anymore.
On the third day in particular, he finally found the strength to keep himself sitting up right. And that was even more hell for you.

"Jack- stay down!!! You're not ready yet!!!" You yelled at him, putting some of your weight on him as he pulled against his restraints.

"I have to.... Go...." He was barely able to whisper using his normal voice now.

"No, not yet. You're staying put until I say you're ready!!!!" You argued back.

"But-" He continued to wiggle underneath you to get you off of him.

"No!" You pulled on his restraints to tighten them, causing him to give out a grunt of discomfort.

Another day passed, and he had stayed still for most of it. He occasionally turned his head to look around or to test his restraints, but he talked to you most of the time. More like talked to himself though. He wouldn't give you the chance to get a word in.

It was now day five. Somehow, Raiden had convinced you to take his restraints off. To your surprise he had stayed mostly still again.

"I'll be leaving now....." Raiden said, breaking the comfortable silence in the room. He sat himself up and stood up, his legs were barely able to support him.

You jumped up out of your seat, catching him before he could fall. You supported his weight with your own, hugging him at his waist. He stayed still for a bit, before he tried to walk off.

"Jack. Please- just stop....." You pleaded, trying your best to keep the both of you still. He fought against you, but he barely had strength right now and all of it was being used to keep him from falling over or onto you.
The two of you just stood in silence. You started to tear up against him, silently sobbing into his chest. He looked down at you.

"Why do you care so much....." He whispered. He felt a little bad now, knowing that he was the reason you were upset.

"Why wouldn't I care?!?!" You glared up at him with glossy eyes. His eyes widened at your burst of anger.
"Is it so wrong for me to care about you?!!? To want you to be okay!?!!" You growled at him. His mouth opened, presumably in shock.

"I-" He had never seen you so upset, you were usually so calm. He had never once heard you raise your voice in anger, or ever get mad at someone.
You pressed your face into his chest, going quiet now. Your grip on him tightened, he winced in response; though he lost his balance. The both of you fell onto the medical table, with you pinning him down in an uncomfortable way against it.

"Why are you so dense.....?" You whispered against him, your voice was muffled but he managed to hear you.

"What-?" He tried to question your words but was quickly cut off with a kiss from you. He didn't give in, he didn't move away, he stayed and took it. His cold metallic chin plate brushed against you, making you shiver every so slightly.

"I love you!!! That's why I care so much about you!!!" You cried, moving your arms up to cup his face.
"I've loved you for so long now. I've cared for you. I don't want you to fight anymore, but I know I can't stop you, so instead I help you when you're injured...." You gazed at him. The cyborg could only stare at you, dazed at all of the recent events.
Once you snapped out of it, you quickly retreated your hands, getting off of him and laying him down properly.

"I'm sorry-" You went to leave him, but were held back by his hand in yours.

"Don't be sorry...." He pulled you to him, sitting himself up and hugging you. You froze in his arms, confused at what would happen next.
"I guess I've always felt the same about you, but- I wouldn't let myself believe anything could become of us." He squeezed you to him, hoping you wouldn't just disappear in front of him.

"Jack-" You had been given a bit of payback, he cut you off with a kiss, as you had done to him earlier. You closed your eyes and drowned in the moment. You let him take over your mouth, in a hungry and desperate kiss.

"I want to try this..... With you."


Kinda cheesy. But I thought it would be a cute idea, though it is a short one

Word count: 1149

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