chapter 2

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Uma pov

I was currently working at my mother's shop when my boys came in talking about some girl who scared the hell out of Mal the other day

That sounded like a girl wanted to me I thought

Boys did u see the girl I asked

Yeah she was tall looked about 5.7 she had claws and fangs and her eyes glowed gold Harry said

Maybe she's the big bad wolf's daughter Gil said

No remember he only had sons I said

What do u want us to do Harry asked

Bring her here I said as the boys nodded and left

I had a feeling this girl wasn't from here. Mostly everyone but me feared Mal because of her mom but not her.

Willa pov

I hadn't slept all night I was roaming around the alley ways looking for a way out

I was so focused on looking for a way out it helped me for get that I was starving and tired

Hey you! A voice said as I rolled my eyes

What? I asked as I saw two boys coming my way

We need u to come with us our captain wants to me u the boy said

Yeah I don't think so I said

It's not an option the boy said

Yeah it is now leave me alone I said the boy grabbed me

Let go me I said as I scratched his arm making him let go

U bitch the boy said

I warned u, now back off I said I said let my eyes glow gold and showing my fangs

Come on the one of the boys said before he and his friend left

Geez I can't have no peace first it was that purple looking grape and now it's dumb and dumber I thought

Anyway I spent most of my day looking a way to get back home

Uma pov

It's been about two hours when the boys returned empty handed

Well where is she I asked

She wouldn't come with us and when I went to grabbed her she scratched showing me the deep gash on his arm

She did that I asked

Yeah with her claws Gil said as I nodded

Gil go take care of Harry's wound I'll be back I said

Where are u going Harry asked

I see now that this needs to be handled by a woman I said as I left the shop

It took me half and hour to find her and when I did I was taken back she's was beautiful

I watched her from the shadows as I heard talking to herself

I just want to go home is that to much to ask. Where's a magic portal when u need one the girl said

She suddenly stopped talking and looked in the direction of where I was hidden

Who are u and what do u want she said as I came out

How did u know I was there I asked

I could smell u and I heard your heart beating now answer my question who are u and what do u want the girl said

My name is Uma I'm the daughter of Ursula I said

Does your mother not like u she asked

Why do u ask I asked

Cuz she gave u that name. Who looks at their newborn daughter and say yup I'm gonna name her Uma the girl said

What's your name? I asked

Willa lykensen she said

Willa? I said

Don't even try it Willa is ten times better then uma but then again I heard that theirs this kid who's parents named them shrimpy Willa said as I balled my fist

I hated that nickname that Mal gave me when we were ten

I'm sorry I didn't realize they were talking about u Willa said

How u figure that I asked

Cuz for starters when I said that name u balled your fist and looked like u wanted to attack me for just saying it and I can smell the shrimp smell from your hair Willa said as I nodded

U are quite observant and I have a amazing sense of smell and hearing I said

Thank u, it comes with the territory. I'm a werewolf and I need to be observant so I can protect my pack she said as I nodded

And where is your pack I asked

Back in Seabrook that's where I'm from Willa said

Never heard it I said

Well I've never heard the isle and auradon but I'm starting to think auradon is where the nice people are cuz everyone is rude here Willa said

You really don't know where u are are what this place is do u I asked

No I just want to go home my pack needs me Willa said

Come with me I said

Where are we going Willa asked

Well if you're gonna be apart of my crew and also fit in  then your gonna need a makeover and I'll explain what the isle and auradon is I said

You want me to join your pack she asked

Not pack it's a crew there's a difference and yes you could be useful and we have a saying here There's safety in numbers I said

thank u she said

Yeah you got a lot to learn come on I said

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