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E P I S O D E  1 6 [√]p a g e  s i x t e e n  :  K A - C H I C K !

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E P I S O D E  1 6 [√]
p a g e  s i x t e e n  :  K A - C H I C K !

"man we should do that more often." mikey laughs, plopping down on the futon set up for the sleepover that's about to happen. "fuck. why is he even keeping a basketball when he doesn't even know how to play?"

"leave him be. you might catch his stupidness virus." kazutora states, laughing along with the boy. "that guy's stupid as fuck. joining a gang even though he doesn't know how to punch."

"embarrassing, honestly." draken puts his hands on the back of his head. "fuck i can still remember that day years ago. like the dumb little kid he is, yelling that he wants to be part of the gang. mikey accepted him. oh! come to think of it, he's not really much involve in any gang wars. he was plainly an errand boy."

the other boys fell silent, sitting around the room, forming a circle. "hmm ... no wonder ran had no idea who he was when he asked me." chifuyu was the first to break the short silence.

"well." chifuyu plops on his own bed. "not anymore. he now knows his name. and his gayness." he smirked smugly, laughters filling his bedroom.

while mitsuya remained uneasy. was that really necessary? there's nothing wrong with that.

"MITSUYA!" yelled boy flinches at the booming sound of his friends, instantly covering his left ear where hakkai had yelled straight into. "it doesn't suit you spacing out like that. you hungry or something?"

pushing previous thoughts into the back of his head, he simply responds."shit yeah i'm just hungry. what's for dinner?"

after dinner, takemichi went straight to the bathroom to wash up and immediately locked himself inside his room.

he sat on his bed, sighing softly as he dried his hair with the small towel over his head. somehow, the silence in his room helped his mind be at ease and peace.

but not a even a minute when he remembered the incident.

the mocking.

their smiles that hid what they were up to.

his finger softly touched the part where the ball pounded on solidly.

the blond looks up for a bit, staring at the ceiling as he tried to blink away the tears rimming and blurring his sight; a thought circling aimlessly around his mind — before he let his head face the floor. "and yet ..."

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