Chapter 3

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Sidious, Izuku and the Grand Inquisitor took Eri to a Planet, a Special Planet, where there are Places, where they can Go into a Pocket Dimension of the Force, where Time flows differently

They all started training her, with Eri calling Sidious, Master, caling Izuku, Papa and calling the Grand Inquisitor Big Brother

For Earth, they were still in War, as only a Handful of Villains and Heroes, started to Team Up, with UA being their Base, surrounded by a Shield, everyone helping each other out, as the Force Sensitive People trained together, the Rest helping the Rebellion, that started there

On Earth only 2 Months had Passed, since the Empire attacked and Vader killed the only True, Full-Fledged Jedi

Everyone had noticed, how much more Dark Katsuki and Izumi became, as Izumi's Green Blade became Darker, with Katsuki's Orange Blade, turning more Crimson, still Orange, but a bit Crimson

When Eri and the 3 Dark-Side users came out, Eri was a 19 Year old, in Earth Time, Eri and her 3 Masters went inside this Pocket Dimension 2 weeks ago

Eri had built a Lightsaber similar to that of the other Inquisitors, but she had another, on the beck of her Belt

Eri had built a Lightsaber similar to that of the other Inquisitors, but she had another, on the beck of her Belt

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Her Inquisitor Saber, was inspired by the 7th Sister and it was on her Back

She also wore a Inquisitor Armor and Helmet, with her Red Eyes, turning a Fiery-Yellow, like other Sith, only when she goes into Battle, same as Izuku

She also wore a Inquisitor Armor and Helmet, with her Red Eyes, turning a Fiery-Yellow, like other Sith, only when she goes into Battle, same as Izuku

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(Female because of Eri)

"Well, Eri, your Training is almost Complete, you and Lord Vader, both achieved and used the One Ability in the Force, I never wanted, as I always wanted the most Powerful Force wielder, to surpass me and take my Place" Sidious said, as he meant the Force-Immortality, that both Izuku and Eri achieved and use (I have no Idea if there is a Immortality ability in the Canon, I know in Legends, but that one is .... No, just No, anyways so I will ad a few "Force" Abilites, just to make them more Powerful)

"Yes, my Master, Thank you" Eri thanked, as she put her Helmet on

"I see, so Lord Vader thought you how to Build your own Lightsaber huh?" Sidious questioned, as he used the Force-Pull ability and pulled Eri's own Lightsaber to his Hands

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