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In terms of Power

Vader/Izuku is equal to Canon Vader, 10 years after RotS, aka around the Kenobi series, plus the Anakin Mobility from Anakin in RotS, as Izuku is not having any Cybernetics, plus he is only weaker then Vader (Canon) in terms of Physical Strengh, since No Cybernetics, but has the same amount of Experience, since he battled all the Jedi, at the Time and that were Present, without any Inner-Conflict

Eri is equal to, slightly above Canon Vader from the Fallen Order Game, which happens only a few years, like 2 or 3, after RotS, but with the lack of Skill and Experience

There is only 1 Clone left, Rex, 1 Grey-Jedi, Ahsoka Tano, 1 former Sith, Maul and only a Handful of Jedi, ever since Izuku showed up

Some Jedi will be known, some won't, Obi-Wan is Dead, killed by Izuku on Mustafar, as Obi-Wan followed him there, the same battle as Anakin vs Obi-Wan happening, but from the PS2 Game, the Alternate ending happening, where Anakin wins

From Beginning, till 0:33, Obi-Wan saying Vader, Izuku/Vader not saying anything and standing like in the Original version

The Reason Izuku managed this was, by making Obi-Wan lose Balance, as he used the Force to move the Dirt and such beneath Kenobi's Feet, making him almost trip and only then jumping, making Kenobi not hit Izuku at all

Also Izuku's Suit is much better, as he keeps full Mobility, unlike Anakin, plus in this Story, Anakin was never Born, the Force not wanting it to happen

Izuku's version of the Suit, doesn't Hinder his movements, he can freely move his Arms

Extra Note: there are multiple force sensitive beings with different titles

Jedi: Common Light-Side users
Sith: Common Dark-Side users
Dark-Jedi: Fallen Jedi that use the Dark-Side for their own Benefits
Fallen-Sith: Dark-Side users, that were meant to be nothing more than just something to fill the open place, until someone more Powerful takes their Place

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