[Prologue] - Restarting

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"So is this it?" A single thought was all that's in a boy's mind as he laid on the ground.

Crimson ichor leaked and pooled around his body while his senses slowly dimmed, the boy could only see the gathering horrified crowd and a distant call of a siren.

Death wasn't something he was expecting to experience on this one day, he was just on his way back to his apartment which was rented out due to his recent falling out with his family.

However, that drunkard on the wheel who ran the red light definitely had other plans since the last thing the boy saw was the truck's headlights before he felt himself tumble through the air.

The fading thoughts within him was only about his family, nothing else.

He always had a bad relationships with his family due to his seemingly lack of emotions, not out of depression or anything else but the unfortunate fate of him being born without any.

The absence of emotions was also somewhat responsible in paving his way to success in academics and various subjects although he didn't linger for long since he lost interest.

Since he's always changing jobs and interests, the notion irked his family, wanting him to stay in one career instead of shifting all the time without any goal.

His monotonous retorts simply fuelled his family's ire and things escalated from there.

Thankfully, he was already a working man so he didn't need to rely on his family for anything so he had a stable source of income for himself and since he scarcely bought anything for his own pleasure, his finance remained quite high.

As of now, it didn't matter since he's dying but at least the money will be going to his family, for one last time, he'll help his family before passing on.

He thought for one last time, everything that happened to him throughout life from his birth to his childhood to adolescence and finally, adulthood.

"...Sorry for not staying longer..." The boy whispered as the paramedics picked him onto a stretcher but it was already too late.

His eyes were clouding and he stopped breathing even after the medics frantically performed defibrillation on him to no avail.

The boy was already dead when his body touched the stretcher.


What is the cosmos? The celestial body and universe?

Human often categorise them into concepts they understand such as the galaxy, the infinite void of space that houses billions of stars and unknown planets.

However, limited technology and knowledge prevented humanity from ever discovering the further reaches of the cosmos, limiting themselves only to their solar system.

It's almost a fanatical obsession with some scientists, eager to know of what lies in the furthest ends of the universe but with only their imaginations playing into their thoughts.

Perhaps there are hundreds of planets similar to Earth? Maybe intelligent lifeforms like humans inhabit a similar planet with even more advanced technology?

No one knows which is what caused the theory of multiple universes coexisting next to each other with strikingly similar parallels of events.

Most if not, everyone files away the theory as a fictional concept, not taking it seriously as they are borderline accepting the reality instead of blind fantasies.

Yet, despite researchers and scientists' theories, no one would ever know.



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