[Chapter 1] - First Quest

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(POV - Alexander)

Alright, first of all, turns out reading a page and the book does not immediately translate into gaining a point in the [Intelligence] stat, thus causing me to waste over hours of reading aimlessly for nothing and to gain said point, I need to LET the [System] know I can have one.

The method being to logically and intellectually deduce a theory or make one via the gathered information I found in the books I'm reading, which includes history, poetry, religious texts, techniques about swordsmanship and other weapon arts.

However, most of the information I've read so far wasn't as interesting as the one depicting whatever this "Honkai" is. Is it a plague? Or a natural disaster misclassified as a divine punishment from god? Or something even more alien?

As far as I've seen, alien seems to be the most fitting considering how conveniently these disasters struck at the most populated areas in the world filled with human lives. The Honkai moved with the intent to sow chaos and death.

[For logically theorising the facts: you earned +1 Intelligence]

"Still doesn't make it sound any less insulting..." I muttered, flipping a page before noting down these alien events.

Furthermore, I've come to assume that no one but me alone can see this holographic box in front of me, when standing in front of a full-body mirror, there was no box in the reflection other than me. So, if I am to assume that even an object such as a mirror can't see it, then this [System] is uniquely tied to me alone.

[For correctly deducting the truth: you earned +2 Intelligence]

"...I am right, apparently." I sighed before closing the book and got on the floor which I then started doing push-ups.

During the hours of which I read the books, I've neglected to check for any other features within the [System] and the result was... not good, that being an understatement since I got transported to a godforsaken desert filled with titanic bugs looking forward to devour me.

I glanced at the blue box in front of me counting my push-ups.




Push-Ups - [43/100]

Sit-Ups - [0/100]

Squats - [0/100]

Running - [0/10km]


The last time I "failed" to do this [Daily Quest] caused the [System] to give me a penalty that which being getting sent to that desert so I suppose this is a start to keep me in shape.

Another fact I've noted down is the original owner of this body clearly trained himself for a while, seeing how I'm performing these exercises after waking up in a pool of blood and with a hole in my chest, the calluses on my hands are also a clue I may have practiced swordsmanship.

Most of my physical stats returned to 10 after an hour of treating myself except for [Luck].

So far, the way this [System] works is as long as I complete a quest, I'll be awarded which SHOULD be the case seeing how this is similar to a video game. 

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