A Dangerous Game

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It had been two whole days since they had spoken. Both Maxi and Riftan were stubborn as mules and neither relented their half of the silent treatment. Maxi sat on the edge of the dance floor as couples twirled about Anatol's ballroom.

She wore an elegant green gown that while modest, accentuated her curves. She wore it to try to get a reaction out of her husband as she knew he loved her in that color. When she had entered the room earlier that evening all eyes fell upon her but there was only one person's gaze she cared about. She suppressed a shutter as she had seen his eyes darken as they roamed over her body but that was all. He had not approached her, asked her to dance or even spoken with her.

Riftan had remained on the opposite end of the ballroom, eating, and talking with some of the Remdragon Knights. She had not attempted to approach him as it might be seen as her trying to mend things after their fight. No, she would let him make the first move.

Sir Hebaron loved it when the lady made the Commander squirm. No one could get under Riftan's skin the way she could. The tension growing between the couple over the last few days was now almost palpable. As much as he enjoyed seeing Maximilian get a rise out of her husband, the Commander's frustration had risen to the point that he was taking it out on the knights during training. He demanded they start earlier, stay later and work three times as hard.

Maybe they just need a little push in the right direction, Sir Nirta thought. He poured himself a full glass of liquid courage and downed it in two large gulps. He would need it for what he was about to do. His plan would hopefully push the stubborn lord and lady back into each other's arms. It would probably also get him killed.

He approached the lady and stood beside her. He could see from her slumped shoulders that she was lonely despite being surrounded by a ball full of people.

"Lady Calypse, you look magnificent this evening. The angels themselves should be jealous of your beauty." he said.

She looked up at him with a rosy dust gracing her cheeks at his words. She gave him a soft but forced smile.

"You are too kind Sir Nirta. Thank you."

He noticed her gaze quickly return to her husband who hadn't moved from his table all evening.

"I swear he can be more stubborn than an ox and twice as dense." Hebaron said with a slight chuckle.

The corners of her lips twitched slightly at his insult. Normally she would have adamantly defended her husband's intelligence. She knew he was clever and well respected, but Hebaron was right, he had been rather stubborn as of late.

"My Lady, if I may be so bold, would you care to dance with me?"

She raised an eyebrow at him having clearly heard the hint of mischief in his voice. He gave her a wicked grin and she watched as his gaze moved from her face over to where Riftan stood and then back to her.

She gave him an equally mischievous grin as she began to understand his plan. If there was one emotion that could match, if not exceed, her husband's stubbornness it was his jealousy.

"I would be delighted to dance with you good sir." she said as she rose from her seat with grace.

He offered her his arm, and she took it without hesitation. She didn't dare look in her husband's direction as Hebaron escorted her onto the dance floor and instead she kept her eyes locked on her partner.

The orchestra, which had been playing a lively tune switched to a slow romantic waltz.

"You planned this didn't you?" she chuckled under her breath as she curtsied.

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