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I woke up around 6:00 am. I got up took a shower and changed into this

 I got up took a shower and changed into this

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My family is rich because of my moms side. They're all actresses. My mom wants me or my sisters to become an actress but I like softball. My sister is graduating next year so yay for her. My twin brother were fraternal twins and he has a baseball game today. My mom loves that we all play softball or Hayden playing baseball. I walked downstairs and saw my mom making breakfast.

"morning madi" my mom says finishing up breakfast. "can you go wake up your brother" She asks putting the food on plates. "He's already up he came in my room" I say sitting on the barstool. "you're going to your brothers game tonight" she says sitting next to me. "WHAT! Mom please don't make me go!!" I say begging her and in shock. "he goes to yours!" She says eating her breakfast. "Because his girlfriend is on my team!" I say taking another bite of my food. She didn't even bother to answer me. Well shit. I mean baseball boys ain't that bad it's just our baseball boys are players and man whores.

Well at school I did nothing except sleep. His game wasn't until 6 and it's 3 so I have 3 hours to do whatever I want. My sister asked if I wanted to go to the mall so i went with her. We got so many clothes and shoes. It was 5:49 when we got back so we all rode with mom in her car.


mom hayden
Tatum Bailey Oakley
Once we got there my brother jumped out and ran to the field. I walked to the bleachers and sat down with my sister. Apparently one of her friends were here. "JAYLA!" Bailey says walking over to her and hugging her. "BAILEY!!" She says hugging her back. I just sat there so confused. "Jayla this is my sister Madi" My sister says pointing at me. I waved. "omg you're the girl my brother likes" She says then immediately slapping her hands on her mouth. I don't even know her last name so I don't know who her brother is. "Oh my name is Jayla Walton" She says sticking her hand out for me to shake. "My name is Madi Andrews" I say low and shaking her hand. So either Jaden or Javon likes me wow.

My brother walked up to us. "the game doesn't start for another hour so coach said to go back to y'all and I RAN AROUND THE WHOLE STADIUM LOOKING FOR Y'ALL" He says a lil angry. "someone has an attitude" I say annoyed as ever. Then Jaden came and they started laughing. I got jaylas phone number. If you didn't know this I had a crush on Jaden since i started going to his school.

"I'm going to cry" I say fake crying on Baileys shoulder. "why?" Jaden says confused with my brother agreeing. "I have a game tomorrow against the Snakes" I say fake crying still. I hate the snakes they always win but this time we're gonna beat them. "How do you think we feel we're going against them in FIVE MINUTES BYE GUYS!" My brother says and runs to the field. "BYE!" Jaden yells and follows after my brother. I giggled because Hayden tripped and fell.

Once the game started Jaden was the first up to bat. He drew I think an 'M' in the dirt and then he walked to the left box. He hit a HOME-RUN. I stood up and cheered so did everyone else. Bailey turned to me and stared at me. "yes?" I ask because she was staring at me for a while. "you know he wrote an M for you he's single babe" She whispers in my ear. I went a very VERY noticeable red. Jayla and Bailey giggled. I put two and two together and JADEN IS THE ONE WHO LIKES ME. Holy shit! Hayden was up to bat and he drew a 'G' for Gabby who is his girlfriend. HAYDEN HIT A HOME RUN TOO.

After the game our team won! I was very happy because they beat the snakes. I walked up to Hayden and Jaden. I messed with Hayden and hugged Jaden. "good job guys" I say hitting them both in the arm. "FUCK" Hayden yells rubbing his arm. "SHIT" Jaden yells also rubbing his arm. "c'mon shit face moms waiting and bye Jaden!" I say dabbing Jaden up but leaving a piece of paper in his hand. I walked with Hayden to the car and he made me carry his bag because 'hIs ArM hUrTs'. Me and Hayden switched seats. I got a text from an unknown number.

unknown number

hey it's Jaden



just got home hbu

same ft later??

sure lemme shower first

ok byeeeee

*read at 10:30 pm*

I took a shower and changed into my pjs then FaceTimed Jaden. It rung for a second then he answered it. "heyyy" I say doing my hair while I'm sitting on my counter. "wow your bathroom is huge" he says with his face super close to the screen. "well that's because of how big our house is" I say brushing my hair. My brother came in so I muted. "so you and Jaden?" He says going through my things. "number one. NEVER number two. I'm going to unmute so don't say anything about like being together or some shit like that" I say with a serious tone and then I unmute.

"what are you looking for?" I ask getting of my counter then putting my hair in a messy bun. "My thing I left in here" He says and the pulls out shampoo. "got it" He says and then looks at Jaden who's on my phone screen. "stop talking to her and get on the game" Hayden says and walks out. "you can hang up im going to go to bed anyways" I say taking my phone putting it on my phone changer stand and then going to sleep. I fell asleep so quick.

a/n: btw you and your sister isn't as close as you and Hayden!! And you have never talked to Jaden or Javon at school!!!!!!!

love//Jaden Walton <3Where stories live. Discover now