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I woke up at 12 because I started up late last night. I got some text from Jaden.



yes j??

where are you?? are you skipping??

oh shit I forgot to tell you
but I didn't go today

awww I miss you

I miss you too j!!

sooooo prom?

oh shit we never thought
of the color


ummm what about red??

sure shit I gtg or the stupid
fucking algebra teacher
is gonna loseher shit

ok love you!!

love you too bye!!


I decided to stay in my room, but I got hungry so I went downstairs and ate some cereal then got my chips and went in my room and watched euphoria on my tv. Then I went to sleep and then I watched a 3 movies and then I got a call from gabby.

you: hello?
you: oh I'm sorry forgot to tell you are you done with school yet?
gabby: yes why?
you: well prom dress shopping?
gabby: fuck yeah I gotta take my mom though
you: I gotta take my mom and sisters all of them
gabby: oh ok well what time?
you: my sister is gonna get back in an hour so is that good?
gabby: yeah but I gtg my dad is home
you: ok love you
gabby: love you too

So about an hour later we met up at this free shopping place. "I remember my first prom in 10th grade" Bailey says looking at dresses for herself because she still has a prom. "okay yeah whatever but you didn't go with your boyfriend" I say smiling at her looking. "hey to far" She says and then grabs a dress and goes to try it on. "I like this one" I say grabbing a red dress and showing it to gabby. "go try it on" She says and pulls out a green dress.

Well this went one for two hours until I came out in a beautiful red dress and gabby in a green one. "those are the ones" Our mothers say and then me and gabby go back to our dressing rooms and change. Bailey got a black dress. Well skip to prom there was no drama but I did get photos with Jaden but I never posted them because I don't want my whole life in social media.


Well Jaden has been ignoring me. Do I know why? Nope. Do I want to know why? Yes. Am I pissed? Very. I made it to school and I walk in and see Jaden talking to one of the cheerleaders. If you didn't know I use to do cheer but I quit because I didn't like the cheerleaders. Still don't like them. I look at him and the girl and then he looks at me then walks away with the girl. I'm so confused. Everyone was looking at me with disgust. Why? I walked to my softball team. "um why'd everyone mad at me today?" I ask looking at all of the girls. One of them pulled up Ava's post on my phone.

It was me and some guy kissing and I was wearing my prom dress. "what the fuck I don't even know that guy" I say freaking out then I saw Ava talking to her little minions. I was filled with anger and sadness but mostly anger. I gave my stuff to gabby and then I stormed over to Ava. I pulled her shoulder so now she's looking at me. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" I scream in her face. Everyone looked at us. "what do you want cheater." She says laughing with her minions. I grabbed her hair and made it hit the lockers. I did that about 5 times then I pushed Cher to the ground. "STOP PLEASE" She begged while crying. "Tell everyone that I DIDN'T cheat." I say with venom in my voice. (NOT THE MONSTER LIKE DARK SCARED VOICE)

love//Jaden Walton <3Where stories live. Discover now