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I woke up and decided I would be more active than on Instagram.


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good morning usa i've got a feeling that it's gonna be a wonderful day

I walked downstairs even though I was still in my pjs. I saw Dixie. "oh hey" She says sitting at the kitchen island. "hey" I say going to the cabinet and getting cereal. "so you want to meet anyone else in la?" She asks motioning for the cereal box. "well i already met the two people I wanted to meet the most but I do want to make my one friend jealous" I say handing her the box and then pouring the milk in. "who's the friend and person?" She asks motioning for the milk. "The friend is Javon Walton and the person is Jenna Ortega She follows me on insta so I'm just gonna send a little dm ask to hang out and then take a photo with her and post it on insta and then Javon is gonna be pissed but oh well" I say handing her the milk and spoon the sitting next to her. "if you need me to drop you off to meet somewhere just tell me" She says and starts eating her cereal. I smile and nod and start eating mine.

After I at all mine I sent her that dm. She replied with yes and we'll meet at this one restaurant at 11. Which it will be in like an hour so I go upstairs and take an 45 minute shower. Get out do my hair and makeup change and then post it on insta.


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gonna meet someone special :)

I walked to Dixie's room and asked her to take me to this restaurant which she did. Once I got there I thanked Dixie and walked in to see Jenna.

"omg it's so nice to meet you" She says hugging me. "It's so nice to meet you too!" I say hugging her back. We sat down at a table outside. Then a waitress walked up and she looked so familiar. Of course it had to be lia. "um don't I know you from somewhere" I ask pretending like I don't know her. "you do I'm the girl who is dating your ex funny isn't it" She said yelling in my face then the manager walked over. "is something wrong?" He says looking at lia and then me. "yes I though I knew her from somewhere so I asked and she yelled it in my face" I say annoyed. "well I'll get you a different waitress" He says and moves lia to a different table. I looked at Jenna and started laughing. She started laughing too. Then we ordered and of course Jaden and Javon were here. Javon saw me and the Jenna and he was shocked.

love//Jaden Walton <3Where stories live. Discover now