9: Does it make sense?

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"Jin what the fuck was that about!?"

Sana immediately asks as soon as Jin drags her outside Mari's office building. Sana is in flames, her tiny chest heaving up and down. At the same time, she's confused and feels absolutely dumb in this whole situation. To name one of the many things Sana hates, one of them has to be being out of the loop. She loves knowing and being in control of things at all times. Whether it's gossip, or what you gave her for her birthday or Christmas, she always wants to know.

He was driving on his way to work when he had received a call from a panicked Jieun. She told him that Sana barged into their office building with no type of appointment as soon as Mari just got in her office. Lucky for him, he was only two minutes away from Mari's work and was able to stop Sana before anything worse escalated. He immediately called his work to let them know he would be very late to work.

"No need to be upset Sana..." Jin mutters as he looks around them to see if anyone is watching.

"Upset? I'm not upset-I'm absolutely livid Jin!" Sana exclaims with her hands animatedly going up in the air. Her eyes going wide in anger. Jin flinches as the high frequency of her voice hurts his ear.

Jin holds both her hands down and looks at her right in the eye, "Listen, you have the right to be mad at me. But do not lash out on Mari. Don't bring her into this, it's not her fault."

Sana quickly grabs her hands away from him and crosses her arms on her chest. Leaning and putting her weight onto one side of her body.

"Oh wow, protecting your ex girlfriend now huh." She mocks, full of sarcasm.

"Sana stop you know that's not what I meant-"

"It is what you meant. You need to explain yourself Jin. What the fuck is going on!?" She screams. Every sentence of hers getting louder and louder as the words spits out her mouth.There were a couple people at the parking lot watching them at this point.

"Sana... Lower your voice we are in public right now," Jin hushes her.

"I don't care Jin! Tell me. What's going on? Are you cheating on me!?"

Jin flinches before sighs and quickly shakes his head, "No Sana- what the... Why the fuck would you even ask me that?"

"The way you're defending her right now. You seem awfully close to her," Sana says with a matter of factly.

Sana can tell by the gleam of his eyes that he still cares for her. He has never yelled at her or dragged her out for being upset before. This is the first time he got all defensive and it's all because of Mari. Jin has never spoken much about his ex girlfriend to Sana. When they first started dating, Jin had just told her they broke up due to difference and falling out of love and that there was nothing else really to it.

Sana believed him up until the moment where he saw the way he looked at her moments ago in the office. She should've known when they were outside the restaurant and he couldn't stop staring at her then. Sana thought he was just analyzing the person who was planning their wedding.

"Sana, I haven't seen her for the past four years. The first time I saw her ever since we broke up was at our tasting." Jin huffs.

He knows this type of conversation will eventually come. Ever since he saw Mari he's been anticipating it actually. He just wishes he was able to tell her in his own terms instead of her finding out like this. He even told Yoongi that he will tell Sana everything. He just doesn't think this environment is the best place to spill why he broke out of his long term relationship years ago.

Sana walks up closer to him, inches away from his face.

"Are you lying to me?" She asks.

"No I'm not. Okay? Now let's go inside the car and let me explain myself."

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