17: Do you get deja vu?

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Mari wakes up in her bed with a pounding headache. Something she hasn't gotten in awhile. It's a rare occasion for her to get drunk really. She's currently completely oblivious as to what happened the night before. She really shouldn't have drank last night considering she has to visit one of the wedding venues this afternoon to attend the couple's rehearsal dinner and make sure everything is okay and ready before the wedding tomorrow.

Filled with regrets, Mari huffs as she looks around the bed to look for her phone. Even going the step further and lifting up her comforter from her bed to look for it. She celebrates as she hears a thud on the floor indicating that her phone just fell off the bed.

She turned on the phone to check the time. Letting out a dramatic gasp as she sees that it's already two in the afternoon and she has to be at the wedding venue by four. She sees a couple texts notifications from Hoseok but doesn't bother to read them. Assuming that he probably texted her to let her know he hooked up with someone. But in reality he asked how she got home. She didn't see that yet though.

"Shit shit shit," Mari grumbles as she stands up from her bed. Her head feels like a hundred knives stabbing into her skull.

"Fuck me," Mari slaps her forehead. Immediately regretting standing up too fast.

She walks into her en-suite to quickly brush her teeth in the bathroom. She's not a huge fan of bad breath especially after a whole night of drinking. She knew that she was probably way too drunk last night to brush her teeth before sleeping either. She looks at her black dress that was in between her toilet and her hamper. She tried to shoot it in last night but had terrible aim. She has no idea why the dress is wet but also didn't have the energy nor the brain capacity to question it at the moment.

Thinking about last night, Mari's eyebrow's furrows as she tried to think about how she even got home in the first place. She shrugged her shoulders, Hoseok probably dropped her off.

After a quick shower, she steps out her bathroom. Heading into the kitchen to drink some water and prepare some breakfast.

Her eyes nearly bulges out her eye sockets as she looks to her left to find the person she least expected to find on her living room sofa this Friday morning.

-Several hours ago-

Time: 3:41am

"Holy Shit..." Jin mumbles as the two stumble out of the club. His arm still resting on Mari's waist as they try to walk side by side from each other. Incredibly failing thanks to Mari's six inch heels.

"What? What happened? Tell me?" Mari asks. Curiosity getting the best of her. She grabs his arm and looks him close in the eye. Her pupils dilated thanks to the alcohol. Even with the neon street lights around them, Jin can still see her enchanting beauty. Her skin illuminated by the bright purple neon light from a closed bar next to the club that stood behind him.

"It's raining," Jin merely shrugs. Acting as if he didn't make it a big deal once he spotted the rain shower as they exited the club.

Mari dramatically gasps, her plump lips making the shape of an 'o', "Oh shit really?"

They continue to walk away from the club to try to look for a working bus or taxi to take them both home.

Jin throws his head back as he laughs before he nods his head, "Yes really."

"Here," Jin mumbles. He takes off his black blazer and places it on Mari's shoulders, "You might get sick."

"What!? Me? Sick? Never!" Mari squeals as she quickly takes off the blazer and runs off into the rain.

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