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The next three days are hell on earth for Park Chaeyoung.

Every second that passed was a ticking time bomb, and Jeon Jungkook was ready to burst at every moment that passed. Sometimes, she'd think that he'd simply yell because she was breathing in the same room as him. It all started on Monday morning, when she came to his office extra early and placed his morning coffee on his work desk. When he came in at 7AM on the dot, he simply stared and her before reaching for the coffee and tipping its entire contents in the sink.

"It's not hot enough, buy me a new one," is all he said as he stormed out, not greeting her even once and failing to look her in the eye.

The warm coffee was the least of her problems though, it only became worse from there. In their first meeting together, one of the clients was talking to her about how their company takes their workers on trips to watch a play. Jeon Jungkook scoffed, muttering a, "... Ms. Park would love that, she's a great actress." At lunch time, he'd left a pile of work for her to day, with a sticky note that read finish by 9PM today before going off on his own.

Park Chaeyoung tried to talk things through. She knows that if she could get his stubborn ass to listen for one minute, that things would be all cleared out, but every time she'd talk outside of work matters he'd yell at her.

"I'm paying you to work, so just work."

Park Chaeyoung thinks that he's an incredible asshole.

Brilliant, but nevertheless a massive prick.

On Monday night, she met up with Jisoo Kim. Unlike her boss, the woman was relatively understanding, promising that she'd try to talk to him when he cooled down, but that "sometimes he just needs some time." She hates it. Park Chaeyoung doesn't know why, but her heart sinks knowing that she'd hurt him, even though it wasn't intentional and as much as he knew that his words were out of a momentary anger, she feels bad knowing that she was, as he put it, the type of person he hates the most.

The second and third day were no better and by Wednesday night, she'd had enough.

"For how long as you going to be a complete asshole for?!" She yells at him, slamming the office door shut, thankful that it was well over 8pm so most of the other workers weren't in the office, "... I've apologised a million times and you haven't let me expla—"

"Ms. Park," his voice is low as he looks up, putting his glasses on the table, "... there is one thing that you should know about me."

Was it that you had uncontrolled anger issues?

Her eyes are cautious as he gets up from his seat, taking slow steps to her so that they're just inches away. She wants to look away, but can't. It almost felt as though he were performing a spell.

So intoxicating.

Yet frightening.

His eyes, and the way he was looking at hers was something that left shivers down her spine. Even in heels (and she was a tall woman), he still towered over her.

"I hate people who lie."

He barely whispered the five words, yet she could feel the hatred in his voice. Suddenly, he breaks contact and heads to the door, opening it. He wanted her gone.

She wants to speak, to let him know that he was really just exaggerating and if he'd listen, he'd understand—but somehow, her lips remained shut.

Perhaps, she knew that it was useless.

When Park Chaeyoung first met him in the interview, she felt as though his ego was as big as day. But as she'd begun to work with him, she slowly began to figure otherwise.

Now they were back to ground one.

"You're free to leave, just give in your two weeks notice. You don't need to stay for the whole three months, since you can't handle it."

He's taunting her.

And somehow, she feels as though she falls for the bait.

"Fuck you," she curses, taken aback at the profanity from her own voice.

Park Chaeyoung knows she is wrong, but she also knows that her parents didn't raise for someone to be weak. She wasn't raised to run away from her problems when things got hard, or to avoid confrontation when needed.

He doesn't seem phased, instead he lets out a sigh and smiles, "... I'm sure you'd like that a lot, huh?"

Park Chaeyoung doesn't know what happened to her, but suddenly heeled feet rush towards him and before she knows it, her hands are wrapped around his neck as she uses the force of her body to push him against the door, slamming the door shut. A part of her regrets how hard she'd practically thrown him, but the other thinks he deserves it for being so insane in the last few days.

She's not thinking but by the way his hand slides down to slap her ass, pushing her skirt up to her hip, and the grunt of his voice at the sudden friction against his pants, she knows he isn't too. Her lips are practically glued to his, the warmth of his tongue heavy against hers and she can feel the way there's desperation in the way their bodies touch—pure lust from all the built up tension and anger. Before she knows it, she finds herself bent on her knees, his hands gripping firmly onto the back of her head as he practically growls a few words of profanity. By the end of the night, her legs are wrapped around his waist as her back is spread against his desk—sheets of papers, pens, electronic equipment sprawled all over the floor as though a tornado had hit his office.

On the silent car ride back, she can't help but feel as though she'd made another mistake.

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