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Just friends?

It's a lot for Park Chaeyoung to process when she heads home after their lunch but if there was any word that would define her, it would surely be determination. Park Chaeyoung was the type of woman who got whatever she wanted, that if she saw something she'd like—she'd run hard, work and fight hard until it was hers.

Friends don't kiss the way they did at night!

She thinks that Jeon Jungkook is no exception.

That's why she shows up at his office, four days later with two coffees in her hands during what she recalls is where he'd usually have his mid-day break (at 2pm). When she walks in, she catches a glimpse of surprise in his eyes, before he quickly scrunches his expression to more of a frown.

"Don't tell me Jisoo is pregnant again," he jokes, pulling down his glasses as he carefully closes the laptop screen, "... what are you doing here."

"Coffee break," she tells him, "... since we're friends, it's fine for friends to meet up for coffee."

"Is that so?"

Park Chaeyoung doesn't wait for his permission, walking into the office and putting both coffees down as she purposely sits in front of him.

"So how was your day, Jungkook?" She questions him, holding out his cup to him before taking a sip from her own.

"Since you're technically the CEO of biggest hotel and casino industry brand, shouldn't you have better things to do then visiting me?" He muses, hesitating for a moment before deciding that he really does need to a coffee to survive whatever strange game she was playing.

"Hmm, it's fine when you're the CEO you can ask others to do your work for you, I learned that when I was under your care," she joked a somewhat snappy reply before the pair sit in silence.

Was he really not going to continue the conversation?

She predicts at least 10 minutes pass of complete silence before she quickly gets up, pulling the chair back inside.

"You're going?"

She wonders if she really hinted a sense of disappointment in his voice.

"I have CEO things to do, apparently," she responds, "... I'll come back tomorrow, same time."

And she does.

At first, he thought she was annoying him. That she simply wanted to annoy him just to prove a point to him.

But slowly, as the days passed, he found his hatred slowly turned into joy.

Jeon Jungkook hates to admit it, but he sort of likes it.

It was sort of her charm, he thinks.

To be honest, it reminded him of the first time they'd met—when Park Chaeyoung, with no credentials in her resume came walking in like a storm, knowing that the office was hers before she even interviews. He remembers the way she challenged him—and the way she simply knew the answer to his fluke question without even having to double check.

Perhaps that is why, he fell for her in the first place.

She was always different, strong on her own.

Sometimes when the clock was close to 2pm, he finds himself hurrying the flow of whatever meeting he was in. Often she'd bring coffee, but when she had things to do around town she'd swap it for cakes.

He knew her too well to know why.

Firstly, she loved the strawberry fresh cream cake from the place on the other side of town.

Secondly, she was not a morning person. So whenever she had morning meetings, she'd have a tendency to schedule a nap at around 3:30pm, in which she cannot do if she has caffeine in her system.

On a few occasion, she'd skipped out on their unofficial meeting but she always told Jisoo Kim in advance.

It's been about four months now, and the clock is at 2:30pm when Jisoo Kim comes in through the door.

He turns, from instinct, unable to hide his disappointment when it's in fact his secretary and not her.

"Jungkook, you should eat lunch," she informs him, "... you have another meeting in half an hour."

"Is Chaeyoung not coming today?" He questions her, a part of him hoping that perhaps, his secretary forgot to inform him of some sudden change.

Instead, she shakes her head, "... why? Are you waiting for her?"

Jisoo Kim already seems to know the answer by the smirk on her lips, despite his frown and the shaking of his head.

"I'll give her a call and see," she tells him, reaching for her phone before her eyes widen, "... Jungkook, you should see this."

He quickly gets up from his seat, seeing the article that she was showing to him.

Mason Park has been charged with bribery. He faces up to 10 years jail time with a minimum sentence of 3 years if found guilty.

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