Love Birds

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I awake to see the roof of my apartment. I look to my side and sigh. Empty as per usual. I head downstairs where I eat breakfast alone. I look at the seat in front of me and sigh once more. It's been approximately seven months since my girlfriend Raven and I broke up.

It started great but in our third year of dating things started to get rocky. We were seniors in Beacon and were about to graduate. We each had our own plans after graduation. She was ready to settle down and have a family.

Meanwhile I wanted to enlist in the military to make my mark on the world. This minor difference created a rift between us which only grew. Eventually something snapped and we split. To add insult to injury the military rejected me on account of my poor depth perception. My watch suddenly beeps.

Y/N: "Crap, gonna be late."

I scarf down my breakfast and haul ass to work. After a long and slow day at the metal factory I trudge my way back home.

Y/N: "God my body hurts. Maybe I should look into switching jobs."

I rub my shoulder finally reaching my apartment. As I lock the door I see a message on my answering machine. I press the play button.

Raven: "Hey Y/N, it's me Raven. I'm sorry for calling out of the blue like this. But I'd like to have a talk with you. If you're getting this please call me back."

I go to bed thinking on whether to call her back. The very next day I wait in a restaurant. After nearly half an hour she finally arrives.

Raven: "Hello Y/N."

Y/N: "Hey Raven."

We sit in a brief silence.

Y/N: "You uh... you look good."

Raven: "Thanks. So do you."

Y/N: "What've you been up to?"

Raven: "Odd jobs here and there. Mostly staying close to Vale. You?"

Y/N: "Got a job at a nearby metal factory. Pay's good but the work makes the bones ache. But gotta pay the bills somehow."

She slightly chuckles.

Y/N: "Soooo, what did you wanna talk about?"

She sighs.

Raven: "I'm just gonna cut to the chase. These past seven months have been lonely Y/N. Everyday I wake up only to find an empty bed. It's really awful. Going to bed with no one to hold you. I missed you Y/N, so, so very much. I hope you feel the same."

I remain silent for a moment.

Y/N: "I'd be lying if I said I haven't thought about you from time to time. Look Raven I'm sorry that we broke up. Back then I had this dream that I'd somehow make this world love me. Cause growing up no one really paid any attention to me. But then you came along. From the moment we met you treated me like I was the only man in the world. I was an idiot for trying to go away when you wanted to settle down with me."

I grab her hand.

Y/N: "I love you Raven. Even when we broke up I never stopped thinking about you. Which is why I'm finally ready to settle down. If the offer still stands I'd like to start a family."

She looks me dead in the eye. Tears then drench her cheeks.

Raven: "Oh Y/N."

She quickly wraps me in a hug. She then crashes her lips on mine.

Raven: "I love you Y/N. Forever and always."

I smile.

Y/N: "I love you too."

And that's how it went. We got back together and now have a beautiful daughter that's just the light of our world.

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