Bride Of A Bandit

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3rd POV

It's a rainy day on the island of Patch. Going into the woods we see a small shack. On the outside we hear screams of pain. Going inside we see one Raven Branwen in the midst of giving birth.

Tai: "You're doing great. One more push."

She uses all of her might to push out her child. It pays off as crying fills the air.

Tai: "It's a boy!!!"

Snipping the umbilical cord and wrapping him up he's put in his mother's arms.

Tai: "He's so handsome. Our darling son."

Raven: "Yeah, our son."

He opens his eyes and coos seeing his mother.

Raven: "Welcome to the family Y/N."

He laughs.

*timeskip Y/N POV*

I sit on my bed as mom and dad yell at each other. I cover my ears hoping to block them out. For the past two years they would always yell at each other. From what I can gather it has something to do with a tribe. Mom thinks she should go run it while dad thinks she should stay here to help raise me. I uncover my ears as a door slams. Mom then walks into my bedroom.

Raven: "Pack a bag."

I do as she says. I'm then walked to the car where we drive off.

Y/N: "Where're we going?"

Raven: "To meet some of mommy's friends."

I watch as we drive a long way. We eventually come to stop. Opening the door I see a large camp.

Man: "It's Raven, she's back!!!"

They all cheer.

Y/N: "What is this place?"

Raven: "Our new home."


I lean back watching the tournament play out.

Y/N: "Almost about that time."

Emerald: "Just about. I'm kinda nervous."

Y/N: "I don't know why. We've been planning this for about a year."

Emerald: "I know. Just worried everything won't go as planned."

I wrap my arm around her.

Y/N: "Everything will be okay. Trust me."

She smiles wrapping her arm around me. We then lean closer kissing deeply.

Mercury: "Get a room you two."

Y/N: "You're just jealous I got to her first."

He adverts his eyes emitting a small hmph.

Emerald: "Yep, he's jealous."

Cinder: "It's time. Y/N."

I nod looking at the arena. I then activate my semblance. A faint F/C mist floats its way towards the combatants. It hits them causing them to stop. As expected they try to fight my influence but it soon infects their minds.

Their minds snap as they enter a rageful frenzy. In a blur they begin fighting with nothing being held back. Everyone watches in horror as the combatants beat the life out of each other. When they're down Cinder makes her grand speech.

From there all hell breaks loose as Grimm are dropped into the school. As everyone loses there minds I meet Cinder at Beacon Tower. Getting there I see Cinder kill some chick with red hair. I walk to her.

Y/N: "That's the champion down."

Cinder: "Time for the grand finale."

I activate my semblance and push it to the max. A thick F/C mist spreads throughout Beacon. Screams of agony fill the air as people lose themselves to my influence. We then watch as everyone beats each other to bloody chunks. I look at Cinder.

Y/N: "Time we left."

We head towards the airship. But along the way I see some dude with a monkey tail getting ready to strike down Emerald. I grab his head force feeding him my semblance. He screams bloody murder as blood leaks from his orifices. I then drop him as he goes comatose.

Emerald: "Thanks."

Y/N: "No one touches my girl."

She smiles holding my hand.

Emerald: "Sure is beautiful."

Y/N: "Yeah you are."

I look as she blushes. I then decide to test my luck by getting down on one knee.

Y/N: "Emerald Sustrai. Will you marry me?"

I present her a diamond ring. Tears pour from her eyes.

Emerald: "Yes!!!"

I put the ring on her finger as we share a kiss.

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