Wannabe Ruler

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The sun rises on a brand new day. I try to go back to sleep when I remember what today is. 

Y/N: "Gotta get up."

I get out of bed and dressed for the day. When that's done I head to Salem's room. I knock on her door three times.

Y/N: "Salem. It's time to get up."

I hear light scuffling. But odds are it's not good.

Y/N: *sigh* "I dread what I'm about to see."

I head inside her dorm. Not to my shock I see Salem haphazardly standing on the top step of a ladder.

Y/N: "What're you doing?"

Salem: "I'm trying to shut my curtains. A Grimm's worst weakness is morning light."

She now carelessly tugs the pulling rod. As she does I see the ladder briefly coming off the ground.

Y/N: "You're gonna hurt yourself."

Salem: "Nonsense. A Grimm cannot be hurt."

I roll my eyes walking to her. She gives a mighty tug which does close the curtains. But like I predicted the ladder gives way making Salem fall. But I catch her bridal style causing a blush to consume her face.

Salem: "Th-thanks."

Y/N: "No worries. Just get dressed."

I set her doing as she becomes confused.

Salem: "Why?"

Y/N: "Because I've gotten reports of enemies breaching our outer line of defense."

She develops a sinister smile.

Salem: "Those fools will pay for entering my domain."

She runs to get dressed. As soon as she leaves I pull out my scroll.

Y/N: "You guys in place?"

Ruby: *text* "Yep."

Y/N: "Good. We'll be there in five minutes."

I put away my scroll. Once Salem gets dressed we make our way to our so called outer line of defense. In truth it's nothing more than a wheat field my father rents out for sports events. Being the nice guy he is he had it set up to look like a battlefield for the day. 

Ruby: "Salem."

I look seeing my friends.

Salem: "The no good heroes. You'll pay for entering my home."

Jaune: "You're a villain. And all villains must be defeated."

They withdraw their weapons making Salem smile. 

Salem: "You'll only perish."

They rush at each other. Salem effortlessly dodges Ruby and Jaune before using lightning to stun them. Thankfully Salem follows some semblance of reality and uses just enough to buzz them.

Ren rushes in bringing down his blades. Salem simply moves to the side making him crash into Nora. Salem ducks as Blake's gun flies where her head just was. Grabbing the attached ribbon she spins Blake around. 

Yang: "Blake!"

She runs to save her. But Salem simply lets go sending Blake crashing into Yang taking them both down. Salem turns around Pyrrha who's the last one standing. 

Pyrrha: "You'll pay for defeating my friends."

She hurls her shield at Salem. But she twists making it fly by her. But she grabs the shield and spins launching it right back at Pyrrha. Pyrrha smiles as she catches her shield. But for Salem she fakes an injury. Seeing her enemies down Salem raises her fist in the air triumphantly.

Salem: "Yes, I Salem, the Grimm Queen, has vanquished my enemies! Now nothing stands in my way of world domination!!!"

She walks off to celebrate her victory. As she leaves the others get up smiling.

Nora: "It's so heart warming seeing her smile."

Pyrrha: "She's our friend. And it's our duty to make sure she's happy."

They all then look at me.

Y/N: "What?"

Yang: *smugly* "You really are a softie."

Y/N: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Blake: "All her happiness is thanks to you."

Jaune: "You're the best friend she could've ever asked for."

I roll my eyes walking back to the so called evil base. Getting there I see Salem smiling and laughing while watching reruns of Grimm Adventure. I take a seat next to her.

Y/N: "Enjoying your victory?"

She looks at me smiling.

Salem: "Very."

Y/N: "Now that your enemies have been crushed, what're you gonna do now?"

Salem: "Plunge this world into chaos."

Her gaze returns to the tv.

Salem: "As soon as I finish this episode."

I smirk. I then lean towards her kissing her cheek.

Y/N: "I love you. My evil Grimm queen."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2022 ⏰

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