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Percy sighed and walked oer to his two primordial patrons and said, "Alright, what happened?"

They flinched, making him worry. Even though he could destroy a planet if he wanted to, they never flinched. His summoned a mirror, in case his eyes were glowing.

What he saw made him yelp.


Artemis facepalmed.

"Percy. Your the keeper of Tartaurus. Try and think of what that means." She sighed.

He chuckled. "Oh, I know what it means."

Suddenly the air around him took on a terrifying aura, filling them with dread and fear. "It's Tartaurus' way of telling me that Zeus let someone loose who I PERSONALLY imprisoned. Why do you think he was guarded by such powerful beings, idiot?"

Zeus just smirked. "Who says he is still alive, Perseus?"

Percy turned, his gaze washing over him like liquid nitrogen going through his veins as the immortal champion of Olympus stalked towards him. "I know he is dead. I also know that you took his power inn hopes of being able to beat me in a fight. You have yet to unleash your full power, Sky god. Do your worst."

Zeus grinned, stood, and summoned all his power.

And blasted it at Percy."

"NO!" Multiple voices screamed. Zeus laughed.

"Finally, I got rid of that little upstart!"

A cold laugh came from the smoke in the middle of the throne room before it swirled together in a funnel. Water floated towards it with blood, while eight swords shot from the ground and began spinning around it. "Oh, Zeus. You always were good for a laugh. You thought that would kill me? I took on a werewolf that had millenia of experience on me and killed him without breaking a sweat. What made you think you would be victorious? For that matter, what makes you think that I'm an upstart?"

Zeus glared at the unharmed immortal, even through the smoke and liquid. "I just do, you little bastard."

Percy just laughed.

"Is that really your worst insult, sky god? A pillow would hurt more!"

A pillow flew into the cloud and hit him in the face. "OK, who threw that?"

Artemis just blinked before saying, "I believe that was Hypnos for waking him up."

"Oh." Then another bolt struck Percy, interrupting him. "You knew this would happen, didn't you, Order, Chaos, Fates, and Ananke?"

They just nodded.

"Hm-hm. And... You didn't tell me... Why?" He said, his voice a constant calm, telling them that he had yet to be truly angry.

They were reluctant to tell him for that reason.

"Umm. Because h-he also wants t-to prove he's stronger than you and then s-s-s..."

The one thing you never want to do.

Threaten Percy's family.

"He was going to...?"

Chaos gulped and hid behind Order, who hid behind the Fates, who hid behind Ananke. "AND THEN HE WAS GOING TO TRY AND SLAUGHTER YOUR FAMILY!"

You know that feeling of dread and fear from earlier?

Yeah, good news is it's gone.

Bad news is it would have been better than what took its place.

The air surrounding Percy took on an aura that poured pure terror into their hearts, paralyzing them. The smoke cleared to reveal Percy in his Vampiric form, blood dripping off his wings. He stared at Zeus, his now glowing purple eyes promising a very LONG time in Tartaurus. Raising a hand he sent the swords surrounding him straight at Zeus, knocking him through his throne and a pillar.

Percy Jackson: Assassin God Of OlympusWhere stories live. Discover now