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"WHAT?! NO! I  am not going to be the automaton master for THREE YEARS!" Beckendorf bellowed. Silena was keeping a very close eye on me, understandably. No need to, but I understood why she did it.

"Beckendorf, it's either you be their handler, or they go kaboom. I don't think you want to be a victim of the chunky-salsa-effect, do you?" I said patiently.

He paled. Then grumbled under his breath, "Fine." Silena rubbed his back soothinngly. I smiled at the sight.

I felt Angielem giving me a shocked look. I looked at her and mind linked with her

"What? Just because my heart was broken, doesn't mean that I don't think it's still a good sight to see. So there!

She just laughed in response. Suddenly a presence I hadn't left more than a few hours ago stepped onto my territory. Immediately, everybody tensed and turned to me for orders. "Wait here." I flashed to where Artemis was standing and growled out, "Be patient, damnit. Silena was being stubborn about what her job would be." She raised an eyebrow at my tone.

"Not having a good day?"

"No. I don't necessarily want to go into a camp full of MAN-HATING WOMEN WITH BOWS THAT CAN USE THEM EFFECTIVELY!"

She sighed. "How much more time do you need?'

I waited a couple seconds for myself to calm down, then said, "About an hour, two at most." She nodded and vanished. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair before flashing back to the meeting room. "OK, Luke, you being my second-in-command, you will be in charge while I'm gone, Zoe..." It went on like that for another fifty minutes. When we had figured it all out, I said with a tired voice, "Yay, I get to go meet the Hunters of Artemis, who hate men. Great. Somebody just fade me now." They gave me apologetic looks before I flashed to Yellowstone Park.

Take a wild guess what tried to find a new home in my head.

Yep, an arrow.

Snapping Angielem out away from my body I deflected the arrow into the ground. I took a second to send a prayer of thanks to chaos, before I looked at what was there. Artemis flashed in, looked at the arrow, pointed  at me and said, "This is our new guardian." Grumbling, the Hunters reluctantly walked over to me, before telling me their names and who they were in the life they had before they  became Hunters.

Reluctantly though. Good. I'm not the only one who doesn't want me to be here. I looked at Artemis and said, "So what do you want me to do?"

She held up a scroll in her hand and gave it to me. I opened it to read it.

-Make dinner (should be easy for me)

-Sharpen the arrows.

-Teach swordplay to the Hunters.

-Scout out the area around the camp for defenses.

-Clean up the camp when we move.

-Any missions that I send you on, do them efficently.

I  nodded, looked up at her, and said, "Any missions at this moment in time?" She shook her head. "In that case, I'm going to go  set up my tent, and start with sharpening the arrows, then make dinner. That OK with you?" She nodded. "Alrighty then. See you girls later. Don't try any pranks on me, it wouldn't end well." Pheobe raised her hand. "Yes, Phoebe?"

"Why wouldn't it end well?" she asked.

I smiled and said, "The last person that tried that, which was about sixty years ago, ended in ER for a week. And lets not forget, it was Ares." Everybodies jaws dropped. I laughed. "OK, so I need to go set up my own tent.  Anybody needs me, I'll be at the top of the hill to the east." Everybody nodded. I flashed to where I had told them my tent would be, only  to hear a terrified scream from the north, not very far away, that sounded like a ten year-olds voice. I flashed back to Artemis, startling the piss out of everybody there, and said, "Permission to scout a feminine scream?"

Percy Jackson: Assassin God Of OlympusWhere stories live. Discover now