Chapter 2~Harper's POV

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"Hi, I'm Remus Lupin," a boy with sandy hair and warm chocolate brown eyes said. Oh he's cute- No! Don't think like that Harper!! Bad Harper!! But he is handsome and muscular.

"I'm Sirius Black," the heart breaker one said. Now that I looked closer, Sirius was cute with his shoulder length thick black hair and steel grey eyes. Handsome- HARPER QUINN POTTER!!! Don't you dare think of heart breaker that way!!

"And who at you?" I asked a pudgy, mousy haired looking guy with beady rat eyes. He looked at me in fear. Girls probably don't pay attention to him often.

"P-P-Peter P-Pettigrew," he stuttered out. I smiled warmly at him. He kinda smiled back and I had to restrain myself from screaming. It looked nasty and creepy like the stalker that had a crush on you.

"Time to go to Diagon Alley!!" Mom called from the kitchen. I put my guitar on it's stand and then unplugged all the amps and mic. Remus helped me while James helped Sirius get the dungbomb smell out of his pants.

I smiled at Remus's help. Usually James helped me but he felt the best mate's duty to help Heart Breaker. Sirius's new nickname from me has now become Breaker. Suitable name, don't ya think?

"Thanks Remus. Usually James helps me," I said and looked over to James and Breaker. I had to stifle a laugh. Pettigrew was trying to 'help' them but he was really only stuffing his hands inside of Breaker's pants.

Remus and I shared a look before we burst out laughing. We rolled on the ground while Breaker glared at us. Breaker started towards us and I decided to show them my elemental powers. My best is water, then fire, wind, and finally earth.

I saved my hand at Breaker's form and he suddenly was soaked. He got really angry so I used fire to chase him thought the house where I followed him from a distance, flying on a gust of wind.

"Harper! Quit chasing Sirius around the house. He's a nice boy!" Mom called out as I flew past her. I stopped all of my powers and my feet touched solid ground.
"He tried to flirt with me before he knew my name. Ridiculous I think." I said, leaning against the counter.
"I won't argue with you because I'll get no where. We're using the floo network. Wait for us when you get there," mom said and I walked to our fireplace as the guys came to the kitchen, including Breaker. I waved to them and they waved back. I smiled at Remus and James. Breaker looked sad I didn't smile at him. Hmm... Weird.
Grabbing the green/grey Floo powder, I threw it down and yelled as I was engulfed in green flames. "Diagon Alley!" I yelled and then I disappeared.

REMUS'S POV~ (When he and Harper were cleaning up the music stuff)

Her makeup was light and her outfit wasn't terribly revealing but looked perfect on her. Harper's skin was tan and flawless.

I've got a crush on Prong's sister and I just met her. But Padfoot has a crush on her too. He's probably going to get her. Padfoot's a lady's man and I'm never noticed by them.

"Thanks for helping Remus. Usually James helps me but, ya know. He's kinda busy at the moment," Harper said and we looked over to where Prongs was trying to help Padfoot get the dungbomb smell out of his pants. Padfoot's pants were smoking from the firecrackers. Wormtail  was practically sticking his hands down Padfoot's pants, not helping the situation at all.

Harper and I looked at each other and burst out laughing. Her laugh was sweet and melodic. I noticed the laugh lines that showed on her face. There were scars on her face. She looked at me and smiled. It made my heart flutter and I smiled back.

Padfoot noticed us looking and looked furious. Then he stalked towards us. Prongs tried to stop him but he really didn't care. Harper looked at me and got a michevious glint in her eyes.

Padfoot was suddenly soaked by water. Harper was moving her hands in a way that looked like it was controlling the water. Wait, she's an elementalist! Wicked! Then Padfoot was being chased by fire as Harper followed him around on a gust of air.

Prongs walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "You've got a crush on Harp, don't you?" Prongs asked me. Wormtail chased after Harper and Padfoot.

"N-No-" I was cut off by Prongs.

"Don't lie, I know you and Padfoot do. I'm going to say one thing, break her heart and I break you. Both of you." Prongs said with a deadly look in his eyes.

"I promise I won't. But you know Padfoot is probably going to get her, right. Harper could never notice me, no girl ever does. They also wouldn't want me because of my furry little problem. I wouldn't want them to get hurt either," I said with a sad expression. Prongs looked at me like I was crazy.

"I know Padfoot is a ladies man but Harp, she doesn't like those kind of guys. She likes the guys who are sweet, care, and book smart. Harp is extremely smart and pranks often but she pranks people who bully others. She messes with the guys with break girls hearts every week. That's why she was 'flirting' with Padfoot. She wanted to teach him a lesson," Prongs said with a smile. "Also, Harp is a werewolf. Fenrir Greyback bit her like he bit you. Harp was 4 when that happened. But she has a weird twist to her werewolf genes," I gave him a weird look. He wasn't going to tell me. "She'll tell you when she's ready or you'll find out eventually."

I was shocked. "That explains the scars on her face and hands though she covers it well with makeup," I said as Padfoot joined us while we walked downstairs.

"What are you guys talking about?" Padfoot asked as Mr. Potter dried his clothes with magic.

"We were talking about how I think Lily-Flower is going to go out with me this year," Prongs said with a slight glance in my direction. Got it, keep Harper's secret a secret till she tells Padfoot herself. She must trust me.

We reached the living room as Harper stepped in. She waved to us as she grabbed some floo powder. We waved back and she smiled at James and I. My heart melted and we smiled back.

Then she threw the floo powder down and green flames circulated her. "Diagon Alley!" Harper yelled and then she disappeared.

"Alright, who's going next?" Mrs. Potter asked.

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