Chapter 13~Harper's POV

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We headed to dinner after I had to wake Snow up. She scratched at me with her perfectly done nails.

     Only one thing, ouch.

     Was that really needed? I signed. Snow glared at me.

     "Yes," and then she walked ahead with Breaker. I smirked and looked at Rem. He was in a lot of pain, it made my heart break. For some reason, I'm able to withstand a lot of pain and I'm glad about that.

     Rem, do you take any pain meds? I signed. He shook his head no. I reached into my pocket and withdrew a potion. Take this, it's what I use after a transformation. He took it.

     After he drank it, he was able to stand regularly and looked like his regular self. He flashed me a smile. "How do I look?" his romantic side coming out. I kissed his cheek.

     Like my moon in shining armor, I signed. He took my hand and we walked to dinner together.

     All the Marauders sat in out regular spot, the middle of the table. Dumbledore walked up to the podium and began talking. "We shall be holding a Halloween Ball on All Hallows' Eve instead on the Halloween Feast," he said. All the girls started squealing but Snow and I just fell to our knees.

     "Why oh why! Cruel world!" Snow yelled and I mouthed. The girls just stood there in shock. The guys in the Great Hall just smiled as they got evil ideas.

     Then the hall was full of boys yelling. "HARPER! GO TO THE BALL WITH ME!" some screamed. Others screamed for Snow. "JULIANNA! GO TO THE BALL WITH ME!" we were swarmed and I grabbed food for both of us and we scoffed it down.

     REM! I screamed in his head. He ran to my rescue with James and we ran for our lives.

     "SIRIUS!" Snow screamed. I looked back and saw he had grabbed her and was following us. The three of us gawked and then it hit me, she called him Sirius! I squealed with happiness in everyone's head. They grabbed their ears as we burst into the common room.

     Sorry, I signed. So, when's the wedding?
Everyone gaped at me. What?

     "What are you talking about?" Snow asked, still in Breaker's arms. I gave James a sly look.

     Accio camera! I summoned. Then I snapped a pic of Snow and Breaker. Can I be named the godmother when you have kids? then they finally got what I was saying. Breaker freaked out and dropped Snow.

     "Ow!" she screeched. Breaker reacted quickly and pulled her into his arms.

     "Are you ok, love?" he asked. Rem, James and I backed out of the Common Room.

     That's when I felt myself start to shift. I shift earlier than regular werewolves, another side effect for my weird condition. James' eyes widened as he knew what was happening. Rem was totally clueless.

     James! I roared in his head. I can't control myself while changing or 5 minutes after shifting. It's when I'm most dangerous.

     James grabbed me and started sprinting. He forced a slowing potion down my throat so my motions and transforming was slowed. Rem ran next to me, not touching me. He probably thinks I'm such a freak.

     We reached the Whomping Willow and Rem snuck through the branches and hit a knot, stopping the branches. James and I burst forward and he managed to get in there before I finished transforming.

     I laid on the floor, panting. Raising my head, I didn't see James and Rem as people. I saw them as prey.

* * *


Harp finished transforming and to be honest, I wanted to crawl under that creaky old bed in the corner and hide. But I watched as my girlfriend circled her brother like he was prey and she was the predator.

     Slowly and carefully Prongs lowered himself to the floor and faced downwards. Harper walks forward and licked his ear. He squirmed and Harper did what could be called a laugh in tiger form.

     Prongs sat up and Harper jumped on him. I laughed and that got her attention. She growled at me and stalked forwards.

     "Moony! Get down and lower your head to the ground. It's a sign of submission," Prongs said quickly and loudly, distraction Harp for a second or two.

     I did as she said and then I felt a weight on my back. Harp had laid on me. I laughed and she licked the side of my face.

     "Ewww! Harp!" I exclaimed. I heard a light purring. Then I felt myself start transforming. Harp was back to her own mindset and she backed off as Prongs changed into his stag form.


To me, Rem transforming was actually slightly beautiful. It showed I'm not the only one with furry problems. But a pain was felt in my chest from Rem's pain. I could see it in his eyes, the amount of sweat that appeared on his pale form, the howl of just pure agony. James had to hold me back by backing me into a corner with his antlers. Then we heard a growl.

     Rem was growling towards James. I stepped in front of James and Rem ran at me, not to hurt me but instead embrace me. I purred as he circled on the rug and laid down. He must have some how realized that I'm his mate. All werewolves have mates, even if most of them don't even realized it. I laid down next to him and he nuzzled into my neck. I sighed at the feeling and as James tried to approach me, he was growled at by Rem.

     James, you can go. I'll be fine with Rem. He won't let anyone near me and if they try to get closer, he'll kill them but I'll try to calm him down. See you in the morning. I spoke in James's head. He nodded and left. I closed my eyes and fell asleep to the even and steady breathing of Rem.

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