Chapter 7~Harper's POV

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I'm introducing another new character inspired by one of my readers/commenters. Her username is Olivethepineapple . She had an idea for a character that I thought would be fun.

Via Lovegood is the sister of Xenophilius Lovegood. When she was younger, she saw her sister, Adalyn, murdered by the werewolf that bit her. Via is a werewolf like Remus and Harper and a metamorphmagus. Via had long black hair to her elbows, moss green eyes, and freckles on her tan skin. She's a Hufflepuff and is best friends with Lily Evans, Alice Fortesuce, Hestia Jones, and Jessica Loven. She dislikes Severus Snape but tolerates him to hang out with Lily and Jessica. Via is funny and a major prankster but is a secret prankster. Via is also a Prefect.

I hope this character works into the story. Thanks for the idea Olivethepineapple !

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"Just let me hurt him!" I hissed and tried to get out of James' arms for the millionth time. He was on the other side of Rem's bed. I did heal Rem but he needs to stay in the Infirmary for the night. "James, let go of me so I can hurt him!"

     "No! Calm down. He didn't mean-" I cut James off.

     "He punched him in the face! He did it on purpose!" I yelled. James dragged me out, kicking and screaming.

     "Hey! Harp! Calm down. I know you're angry-" I cut him off agin.

     "I don't want to see Rem in a hospital bed. I don't want to see him hurt because of some jealously. I really like him . . . m-maybe even love. I can't stand this," I quieted as I spoke and collapsed into James' arms. We slid down on the wall so I was in his lap. I just sobbed into his jumper.

     "Shhh. It's ok. Moony's going to be ok," James said as he stroked my hair. "He just had to stay the night. Do you want to go to dinner?" I shook my head no. "Do you want to see if McGonagall can switch you to my dorm with Padfoot, Moony, and Wormtail?" I nodded.

     James kept his arm around my waist as we walked to McGonagall's office where we entered. "Hello Mr. Potter- Is something wrong with Ms. Potter?" McGonagall asked.

     "No. Just really torn up about Moony. She blames herself and Padfoot. Can we have Harp move into my dorm? It might be better for her because she only knows us herehere. Well she kinda knows Evans but she didn't have a good encounter with her and Jessica Loven," James asked.

     "That has never been done before . . . But I guess it'll be acceptable if you are in there constantly with her. You'll need to get her kitten and trunk from the girls dorm. Ms. Potter, are you sure you are alright?" McGonagall asked again. I looked to where she was sitting behind her large desk. 

     "Yes. I'm fine. Just, I'm really worried about Rem and angry at Bre-Black. Rem was just comforting me after I used too much energy and then Breaker snapped," I said. I was stoic but a few tears escaped from my eyes.

     "I see. Young love and great jealously. Goodnight you two. I shall send a house elf to bring you food," McGonagall said. We thanked her and left.

     "Jamie," I started.

"Yeah baby sis?" James asked. I let the baby sis slide.

     "Will Rem be ok?" I asked James for the hundredth time. He laughed and so did I.

     "Of course Harp! He will. Now, we're here. Flabbergast," James said and the Fat Lady portrait opened.

     "This is so cool," I awed when we got into the common room. It was red and gold with a big fireplace and a few couches and chairs. Breaker was sitting in one of the chairs. He got up and walked up to us. I growled at him.

     "Harper, I'm sorry. It just that I really like you-" Breaker was cut off by James.

     "You did that just because you like her? Padfoot, sorry but I know Harp and she doesn't like you. Try for that one Gryffindor girl, um . . . Jessica Loven, Lily's friend. She seems to like you and doesn't want to be one of your week long girlfriends," James said. "Harp is living in our dorm. McGonagall said it was ok."

     James had me stand on the girls staircase as he walked up. We walked into a dorm that had some names on the sign. The names were: Lily Evans; Alice Fortescue; Jessica Loven; and Harper Potter. I erased my name which left the other 3 names.

     I walked in with James behind me. The other girls were changing clothes. "Hello ladies," James said in a manly voice. It took all I had not to laugh. The girls screamed and ran into the bathroom.

     "I'm moving into the 5th year boys dorm. Bye. If you want to make friends, I suggest you try not to force me away from my brother or Rem," I said as James grabbed my trunk and I grabbed Artemis and her cage.

     James led the way to his dorm. It said, 'This is the Marauders dorm.' Then listed under it was their names: James Potter; Remus Lupin; Sirius Black; and Peter Pettigrew. James wrote my name under Pettigrew's name.

     "You are officially a Marauder. Congratulations little sis!" James said and picked me up, twirling me around.

     I laughed as he laughed. "Let's go in, I wan to see Rem before we go to breakfast tomorrow. He can go with us," I said. James nodded and opened the door. Breaker was sitting on his bed. "Which one is Rem's?"

     "That one," Breaker pointed to a bed next to the wall. There was one open next to his. I chose that one so I was near him.

     "You can take the bathroom first. Just don't take a ton of time like usual girls," James said. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my pj's and makeup wipes. I walked into the bathroom and changed clothes and wiped off my makeup.

     I walked back out and fell onto my bed, face first. James and Breaker started laughing and then Pettigrew joined in, weirdly. I ignored them as I grabbed my sleep mask and put it on. Then I let myself fall into a dreamless sleep.

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