Chapter 2

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A/N: So how's the book so far? Good? I hope.
Kilani's hair/upclose picture of her and outfit for her and Kai'Jai's outing and Kai'Jai in the mm.

I know you've been, I know you've been.
Dancing, dancing, dancing.
Like you fuckin gotta reason.
My phone sung waking me up. "Hello?" I said groggy.
"Hey Kilani. Rise and shine" a deep voice said making me frown my face.
"Ughhh why Kai'Jai? I was sleep" i groaned.
"I know but its 12:00 in the afternoon" he said happy
"So. Im going back to sleep"
"No please Kilani. I'm sorry for waking you up I just wanted too see you earlier thats all" i heard him sigh. I smiled, he was so cute.
"Okay okay, im up now. Where we going so i can get dressed?" I asked sitting up in bed.
"The park"
"Alright, what park?"
"Alrighty, I'll be ready and meet you there in a hour"
"Okayyy see you soon Kilani" he said smoothly through the phone. I smiled and hung up and hopped in the shower and washed my hair. I braided it in 2 braids and put on my ripped shorts and flower crop top and lace heels. I put on some light make-up and my jewelry. I checked myself in the mirror and I looked good.

I know you've been, I know you've been.
Dancing, dancing, dancing.
Like you fuckin gotta reason.
"Ughhh its too early for all these people to be calling my phone" i groaned. I looked and saw Jace tryna facetime me. "Wassup Jace?" I said propping my phone up while fixing my lipgloss.
"Where you going?!?!" She yelled
"To the park with Kai'Jai. AS FRIENDS!" I said grabbing my purse and jean jacket.
"Mhm you look mighty cute for a 'friendly hangout'" she said smirking
"Whatever Jace, I'll call you when its over"
"Kayyy bye honeybuns! Have fun!" She yelled
"Bye Jace" i laughed hanging up. I skipped down the stairs and hopped in my car. I pulled up to Central Park to see Kai'Jai leaned up on his car with some girl. I frowned and got out slamming my door. He looked over with a smile and waved and i just walked over too him with a frown still.
"Hey Kilani" he said smiling pulling me into a hug
"Hi Kai'Jai" i said pulling away quickly. He furrowed his eyebrows together and looked at me.
"Kilani this is my little sister Tyla. Tyla this is Kilani" he said smiling
"Hey Kilani. Im glad your here so i can leave. He been talking my ears off" she groaned
"Hey Tyla nice to meet you" i said laughing feeling better its just his little sister. I dont know why i got so upset anyways, were just friends.
"Girl shut up and go with yo friends" he said mushing her head. She stuck her tounge out and him and walked away. "So now you know she my little sister can i get a better welcoming" Kai'Jai said smirking
"I didn't care if she was your little sister or not" i lied
"Mhm now give me a hug jealous much" he said laughing holding his arms out. I smiled and gave him a hug, he smelled like calonge i could stay in his arms all day. We let go and he looked down at me. "You know what i just realized?" He said
"What?" I asked
"You short" he said laughing
"Shut up! I did not come here to let you talk about me" i said hitting his chest
"Its okay Lani. You still cute" he said licking his lips. I blushed and smiled. "C'mon" he said grabbing my hand and taking me to a bench. We sat down and he just stared at me smiling.
"Stop staring at me" i said giggling
"I cant help it your beautiful" he smiled
"Hey thats not what friends say to each other" i tsked
"Ughh you killing me with this friend shit, but i'll get through to you" he said laughing
"Mhm sure"
"Tell me about yourself Kilani" he said looking at me
"Well my name is Kilani as you know and my middle name is Jaycee, but i dont care for my last name because it reminds me of my dad and he left a long time ago. But im here by myself kinda except for my bestfriend Jace and Brii, and Khalil. I'm more about suceeding in life and I'm not gonna lie its been a while sense I've been in a relationship" i said shrugging
"Well im sorry your dad left, but thats good your making it on your own and trying to be something in life" he said smiling
"Its okay, i dont stress about it and thanks im trying to be nurse" i sighed.
"What happened to your mom?"
"She passed away when i was 19" i mumbled
"Oh im so sorry" he sighed
"Its okay" i said smiling
"Its cute how you manage too smile through everything"
"I try its not easy tho" i shrugged
"Okay last question for now"
"How old are you"
"21" i said smiling
"Damn you a baby" he said laughing
"No I'm not!" I yelled laughing
"Yeah you are its okay tho, you still worth it"
"Whatever how old are you?" I asked
"23" he said smirking
"Im still not a baby" i pouted
"Awh fix ya face" he said pinching my cheeks
"Stop it!" I laughed swatting his hands away
"Okay okay" he said smiling.
"Now tell me about yourself" i said
"Well my full name is Kai'Jai Amir Thompson. My dad left a while ago too and left my mom with me and my little sister when i was 12, so I've always helped my mom with everything. I've finished college and got my degree as a engineer but i have my own tattoo shop. I have my own place and my sister and mother are 1st in everything. So I'm basically just here with my family. And im not orginally from Cali, im from Florida but yeah thats basically it" he said
"Awh well thats nice that you do anything for your mom and little sister." I said smiling
"Yeah" he said laughing
"How old is your little sister?" I asked
"16" he sighed
"Why you say it like its a bad thing?" I asked laughing
"Cause i remember when she was just a baby in diapers" he said smiling.
"Awww its okay you'll have your own babies soon" i said laughing
"Yeah im hoping with you" he smirked
"Um no" i said laughing
"My chest" he said holding his chest
"Boy get up and push me on the swings" i said grabbing his hand.
"I dont think friends do that" he said laughing
"Get up and come push me!" I yelled rolling my eyes. He laughed and helped me on the swings and started pushing me.
"Higher! Im not a baby!" I yelled
"You sure acting like one" he laughed pushing me higher. I just laughed and enjoyed this moment. I felt so stress free like a little kid. I wasn't thinking about school, or work or anything just laughing and having fun with Kai'Jai. After 15 mins of Kai'Jai pushing me we both got hungry.
"Want some pizza?" Kai'Jai asked grabbing my hand
"Yes!" I yelled excited
"Alright lemme call my little sister tell her meet us by the car" he said pulling out his phone. About 10mins later Tyla walked up with a boy her age. I looked at Kai'Jai too see staring the boy down as they walked over. I grabbed his hand and he looked down at me and smirked.
"Dont get any ideas. Im trying to stop you from hurting the boy as a friend" i whispered to him
"Mhm" he said smiling and sqeezing my hand.
"Kai'Jai im hungry" Tyla said infront of us.
"Well we going too get pizza so come on" he said unlocking the car doors.
"Can Jionni come?" She asked batting her eye lashes
"Tyla you know how i feel--" he started and i cut him off
"Yes he can" i said smiling
"Yay! Thanks Kilani! C'mon Jionni" she said getting in the car. Jionni smiled lightly and quickly got in the car. Kai'Jai looked at me with a straight face.
"Why?" He asked
"Cause shes growing up and shes gonna start talking to boys and either you let her or shes gonna do it behind your back and i dont think you want that, and i can tell their just friends" i said
"They better not be "just friends" like us" he said smiling looking down at our hands
"Shut up and lets go" i said laughing and getting in the car.
"So Jionni whats your intentions with my little sister?" Kai'Jai asked and i just shook my head.
"Um were just friends" Jionni said nervously
"Mhm" Kai'Jai mumbled
"Ughh Kai'Jai your so embarrsing" Tyla whined
"Im just looking out for my baby sister thats all" he shrugged
"Im not a baby anymore Kai'Jai" she groaned
"Well i dont care im still looking out for you and--" he started and i cut him off grabbing his hand. I knew that would make him shut up. He looked over at me and smiled and i just rolled my eyes. I heard Tyla giggling in the back and i laughed a little.
"If you think were "friends" like you and Kilani were not, were really JUST FRIENDS" Tyla said laughing
"Mhm better be" Kai'Jai said pulling into the pizza place. We went inside and got a booth and I sat beside Kai'Jai.
"Hi My name is Harmony and ill be your serevr what can i start you guys off too drink with?" She said clearly only paying attention to Kai'Jai.
"Well um how about some water for this thirsty ass hoe standing infront of me and a coke for me" i snapped. Kai'Jai just started smiling real hard and laughing along with Tyla and Jionni.
"Well all take a coke" Kai'Jai said still laughing. She smacked her teeth and twitched away.
"Dont twitch too hard! You might loose your butt implants!" I yelled
"Yoo Kilani chill, its okay" Kai'Jai said covering my mouth
"No its not i hate thirsty ass hoes" i said crossing my arms.
"This is the second time youve gotten jealous today. Sure you wanna be "just friends?" He asked smirking
"Yup" i said popping the P.
"Okay well see" he smirked. The hoe came back with our drinks and took our order.
"Much better!" I yelled as she walked away
"Oh my gosh Kilani your hilarious" Tyla said laughing
"You really are" Jionni laughed
"Im just being honest" i shrugged. We talked and laughed until our pizza came out and it was silent except for everyone smacking. My phone vibrated and i looked down too see it was Jace blowing my phone up for no reason. I just shook my head and looked back up to see Tyla and Jionni outside talking and my slice of pizza gone.
"Kai'Jai" i said staring him down
"Wassup?" He asked smiling drinking his coke
"Did you just eat my pizza last slice of pizza??" I asked
"Uh yeah i kinda did, i was still hungry and there was no more so i took yours" he shrugged smirking at me
"You fucking suck" i mumbled
"Awh im sorry Kilani" he said hugging me
"Mhm, but can you drop me off at home im tired and i gotta go to work tomorrow?" I sighed
"Yep" he said smiling.
"Thank you" i smiled. He paid for lunch and grabbed my hand and we walked out to the car.
"Yo G, where you going?" Kai'Jai asked Jionni.
"Oh i can walk home i dont live far from here" he said nodding
"Alright, maybe ill see you again" Kai'Jai said waving
"Bye Jionni!" Tyla yelled
"Bye Jionni!" I smiled. He waved and went on his way while Kai'Jai drove to my house.
"Bye Tyla, I'll see you again" i said getting out the car
"Bye Lani!" She yelled getting in the front seat. Kai'Jai got out and walked me to the door.
"Thanks for giving me a chance "friend" Kai'Jai said laughing
"Your welcome Kai'Jai your actually not that bad so i guess we can go for friendly hangouts more often" i said smiling
"Mannn this friend shit" he said laughing
"Hey were getting to know each other" i smiled
"You righy you right"
"Bye Kai'Jai thanks for today, i had fun" i smiled
"No problem Lani, i had fun today too. I'll call you tomorrow" he said giving m a hug. I smiled and opened the door and went inside the house and watched him pull-off. I smiled and went upstairs and put on my pajamas and called Jace and told her everything.
"Ahhhhh!!!! Awww!! Oh my gosh!! You guys would be so cute!!" She yelled
"Calm dowm Jace, were just friends" i groaned
"Yeah yeah whatever you say Lani" she laughed
"Mhm, well i just called too tell you im home and what happned. Im going to bed i gotta work tomorrow morning" i sighed
"Okay honeybunches love you"
"Love you too snowbunny" I said hanging up and crawling into bed. I laid down and closed my eyes and went to sleep.
Baby, won't you come my way
I got something I want to say
Cannot keep you out my brain
But first off I'm gonna start by saying this, ayy
All head shots if you think you could take my bitch, ayy
I'm too turnt, when I shoot, swear I won't miss, ayy
Ba-Baby, won't you come my way

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