Chapter 12

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A/N: I know it's been a minute sorry loves.
Off guard picture Kai'Jai took of Kilani in the mm.

I woke up to a snoring Kai'Jai. I smiled and slipped out of bed and went downstairs to make breakfast. I was making the plates when the doorbell rang. Confused too who it'll be early this morning I grabbed a knife and walked towards the door.
"Who is it?!" I yelled. no answer. "Hello?!?!"I yelled. Still no answer. I snatched the door open with the knife in my hand.
"Lani--woahhh!" Gabe yelled holding a sleep Sabrina.
"Oh my gosh Gabe! You scared me why didn't you say anything!" I yelled putting the knife down
"Sorry I forgot you crazy, but I was tryna get Sabrina together" he chuckled
"Haha funny, but what you doing here anyways?" I asked
"I know I should've called but we had to get out the house cause my sink pipes bust and house flooded" he sighed
"Of course!" I said letting them in and closing the door.
"Thanks Kilani" he smiled laying Sabrina down on the couch.
"No problem, hungry?" I asked
"Starving" he sighed
"Here" I said handing him Kai'Jai plate. He wasn't up anyways yet so he'll be alright.
"Thank you" he mumbled eating. I smiled and took Sabrina upstairs to my extra room and laid her down. I walked downstairs too see Kai'Jai standing there staring at Gabe from behind.
"Good morning baby" I smiled kissing his cheek.
"Good morning" he said giving me a fake smile
"Oh wassup" Gabe said putting the plate in the sink.
"Sup" Kai'Jai nodded squinting at him
"So Brina wasn't lying" Gabe chucked coming back into the living room.
"About what?" I asked confused
"Y'all being back together" he chuckled shaking his head.
"Nah she won't. problem?" Kai'Jai spat
"Nah homie" Gabe smirked
"I ain't yo homie." Kai'Jai said walking out living room.
"Gabe please" I sighed
"I'm chill,its ya lil boyfriend" he laughed. I sighed walking into the kitchen after Kai'Jai.
"What the fuck that nigga here fo?!" Kai'Jai yelled
"Kai relax. His sink pipes bust and him and Sabrina had to get out the house. it's only for like a day or two" I mumbled
"A day or two?! That nigga not staying the night at my house! His daughter can,not him!" He yelled
"Kai'Jai relax! I'm helping out a friend!" I yelled
"Y'all a little too friendly!" He yelled getting closer.
"The fuck you tryna say!" I yelled
"Nothing mane. he can't stay here. outta the question Kilani" I mumbled
"Whatever Kai'Jai he can stay with me. I'm leaving tomorrow anyways" I shrugged
"Oh for real? He can stay with you?" He chuckled
"Yes he can. end of discussion. your well MY breakfast is in the microwave take it." I mumbled shaking my head.
"Where's mine then?" He asked
"I gave it too Gabe. Now eat mine or don't eat nothing" I shrugged walking out the kitchen.
"Let the fuck nigga eat my food" I heard him mumble.
"Sorry about that" I sighed sitting beside Gabe on the couch.
"It's cool. He don't like me and feelings mutual" he shrugged
"Look. I understand you still having feelings for me but I'm happy. If you really loved me you would let me be Gabe" I said shaking my head and walking upstairs. I went in the room too check on Sabrina and she was just waking up.
"Hey muma" I smiled picking her up off the bed.
"Where's my daddy?" She mumbled rubbing her eyes.
"He's downstairs. you hungry?" I asked walking downstairs with her on my hip
"Yesh" she smiled
"Hey daddy's baby!!" Gabe yelled walking over too us and showering her with kisses.
"Dwaddy!!" She giggled climbing into his arms.
"How's daddy's princess?" He smiled at her. You could tell she's his pride and joy.
"Hungwy" she pouted
"Want some cereal Brina?" I asked
"Mhm" she smiled. I smiled and walked in the kitchen too see Kai'Jai on the phone.
"Kai'Jai" I sighed
"What?" He snapped
"Forget it" I mumbled
"Nah you called my name. what mane?" He sighed
"Nothing damn!" I yelled taking out a box of coco krispies.
"Fix the attitude." he mumbled
"Whatever Kai'Jai. Sabrina!!" I yelled. She came running in the kitchen with Gabe right behind her.
"Tank you" she smiled while Gabe helped her up in the chair.
"No problem honey" I smiled.
"What you doing today?" Gabe asked sitting beside Sabrina.
"I don't know. Jace and Brii wanna go too the club tonight so I'll probably make that move" I shrugged
"Oh okay" he nodded
"You didn't say anything to me about it" Kai'Jai snapped
"Cause you wanted to have a pissy attitude" I snapped
"Well I'm going" he said walking over to he fridge.
"Whatever, wanna come Gabe?" I asked
"Sure. I'll ask my mom too watch Brina" he smiled
"Okay" I smiled. I heard Kai'Jai smack his teeth and storm out of the kitchen. "Don't mind him, and you guys are coming too my house tomorrow" I sighed to Gabe
"Okay" he smiled shrugging. I walked upstairs to Kai'Jai room and went in his closet where my section was and found something too wear for today. I decided on my loose black dress and a light brown cardigan and sperrys. I laid them out on Kai'Jai bed as he walked in the room.
"I'm sorry" he sighed walking over too me
"For what?" I asked grabbing my shoes
"For acting like a dick" he sighed
"It's okay baby" I smiled giving him a hug
"Where you going?" He eyed me wrapping his arms around me
"I don't Jace want me, you, her and Khalil to hang out together before we go to the club" i shrugged
"So I should get dressed?" He asked
"Yes you should" I giggled
"Alright, getcho ass in the shower you take forever" he laughed walking away
"Whateverr" I said walking in the bathroom and getting in the shower. I made sure too be quick cause I know how Jace pregnant self is. Impatient as hell. I got myself ready in Kai'Jai room before he started rushing me. I put on my gold necklace and started on my hair.
"Kilani Khalil said they around the corner!" Kai'Jai yelled
"Kay!" I yelled twisting the front of my hair back and grabbing my clutch. I settled on lipgloss and jogged down the steps.
"You look pwetty" Sabrina smiled running up too me.
"Thank you sweety" I smiled giving her a kiss on her forehead.
"You look really nice Kilani" Gabe smiled picking her up
"Thanks Gabe" I smiled
"My lady do look good" Kai'Jai smirked coming down the stairs
"Thank you baby" I smiled pecking him on the lips. I looked over at Gabe and saw him walk away with his jaw locked.
"Ayo y'all c'mon. Jace in a mood today" Khalil said at the door
"Alright we coming" Kai'Jai said grabbing his wallet and putting it in his back pocket.
"Hold on!" I yelled as they walked out the door. "Gabe we should be back by 6 to get ready to go out tonight"
"Alright that's cool, imma take Brina out" he smiled
"Kay, and--" I started when I was cut off my Kai'Jai
"Kilani lets go! This nigga will be alright" Kai'Jai said dragging me out the door
"Wait Kai! I--"
"No c'mon" he said slamming the door
"Hmpf" I pouted
"Fix Ya face, Jace gon cuss you out" he said locking the door
"I didn't even get my water" I said still pouting
"I got it" he smiled handing me a water bottle. I smiled opening it right away I was thirsty as hell.
"Let's goo!!" Jace yelled from the car
"I'm coming!" I yelled trailing behind Kai'Jai drinking my water.
"My baby look good" Kai'Jai smirked turning around to take pictures of me
"Stop Kaiii. I'm not ready I whined
"You still look sexy. Na getcha sexy ass in this car" he said shoving me inside
"Took yo ass long enough!" Jace yelled
"Hey to you too trick" I laughed. She just threw me the finger.

_.Kai'Jai._ mentioned you in a picture: My baby slaying y'all without even trying.😻💘😋 @ Laniii_

I looked over at him and smiled kissing his cheek. He smirked grabbing my hand.
"Where we going?" I asked the two people in the front seat.
"First out too eat then shopping" Khalik answered
"Where we going?" I asked
"Some Mexican place Jace wanna go too" he shrugged
"Okay" I said laying my head on Kai'Jai shoulder. We pulled up too the resterant and Jace basically ran inside.
"Bathroom" Khalil answered me and Kai'Jai confused faces. We nodded and followed behind Khalil too our table. Jace came out right before we sat down and the waiter took our order.
"Babe what you want?" Kai'Jai asked
"Ummm Chimichanga meal" I smiled
"Alright Imma get the same thing" he laughed
"Jaceeee" I sang
"what hoe?" she asked looking up from her phone
"Your appointment is in 2 weeks" I smiled
"I know Imma be 4 months" she smiled
"Im excited"
"Fa what?" Kai'Jai asked me
"I dont know I love babies" I smiled
"Well lemme make you some" he smirked
"dont be nasty" I giggled
"yeah dont, I might loose the rest of my breakfast" Jace fake gagged.
"whateverrr" i sang. We ate and talked and had fun that we hadnt had together in a while. "ill be back" i said getting up from the table and walking to the bathroom. I was coming out of the bathroom pulling down my dress when I ran into someone. "Oh sorry" I mumbled
"you good ma" The voice sent chills down my back. I looked up too see someone I thought I would never see again.
"nice too see you too Kilani" he chuckled smirking
"wha--? I though-" I stuttered I didnt even know what too say.
"Thought I had life huh? Nah Im out baby. And you always gonna be mine remember that. I know you gotta little boyfriend, and Gabe gotta daughter. I here things sweety" He smirked
"get off me." I mumbled snatching my arm from him.
"C'mon Lani. You know you wanna have my baby again. Im sorry about Amari but how you expect a nigga too act when his own son dont like him but like another nigga." He clenched his jaw.
"You killed him! A day before his birthday! He would've been 5!" I yelled
"Ayo lower your voice." He gritted his teeth grabbing me.
"get off me your crazy! Stay away from me and my family!" I yelled
"Can't make any promises babygirl. You'll be seeing me again" He whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek. I felt sick too my stomach.
"Stay out of my life Dallas" I mumbled before walking away. I felt like i was about too throw up. I couldnt believe they let his crazy ass out, and know he's watching me. The table came too view and they where all getting ready to leave. I tried pulling myself the best I could as fast as I could.
"Baby whats wrong. Look like you saw a ghost" Kai'Jai said wrapping his arm around me.
"No I'm okay" I said forcing a smile and seeing Dallas smirking at me from the corner of my eye.
"you sure?" he asked
"Mhm. I'm ready too go home. I dont feel well" I mumbled
"alright Jace and Khalil already in the car" He said taking my hand and walking out. I could feel Dallas staring into my soul.
"You good boo?" Jace asked we got in the car.
"Yeah I think I needa go home. I dont feel well. Probably something I ate" I shrugged
"Okay well go out another night then" She smiled
"yeah okay" I smiled nodding. When we got to Kai'Jai house Jace and Khalil left and there was a note on the door from Gabe saying they fixed his pipes and Thank you.
"thank god that nigga gone" Kai'Jai mumbled walking into the house. I ignored him running straight too the bathroom throwing up what I just ate. "Kilani! You good?" he asked coming into the bathroom.
"Mhm just a stomache ache. Ate too much" I forced a smile.
"okay well lay down. get some rest" He said helping me in bed and changing my clothes.
"thanks" I smiled
"No problem babe" He smiled kissing my forehead and leaving me too go too sleep. All I could think about was Dallas....

A/N: So Dalla is out...and stalking Kilani and everyone around her. He's determined too get her back no matter what. Crazy or..??

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