Crystalline [RW]

159 7 36

TW: Blood/Gore description, themes relating to war

(Blaza PoV)


His voice.


His voice.

It rings in my head like a clock tower striking 12.

I can't bear it.

The sounds of battle clashed around me.

My ears.

They're ringing.

When will it stop?

Time to join the fight.

I will not!

You will do as I say, human.

I can't fight back.

I don't have the strength.

"Blaza, stay near me!"


His voice was distant.

It echoed around me.

"Blaza! Are you okay?"

I... I don't think I'm okay.

I fell to my knees.

The darkness was trying to consume me.

Yet somehow...

It can't.


Vizor's deep, booming voice echoed throughout my subconscious, and black, spiny tentacles brought me to my knees. The point of one of them wrapped around me, crawling like a snake over my nose to restrict my breathing. When I inhaled, it felt as though I was sucking in water, and I coughed black sludge from my mouth.


His angered snarls made me flinch, and I couldn't stop a small whimper from escaping my throat. The worst part about this? I couldn't even give him what he wanted to save my life - I have no idea why he can't gain control of me.

The demon lashed his tail, his claws curled into shaking fists. Fury burned in his gaze. "What are you doing to stop me?!"

A flick of his wrist, and the tentacle covering my mouth slipped to the side. I immediately opened my mouth, allowing air to flow into my lungs.

"I-I swear," I managed to sputter, "I'm doing nothing."

In his palm, Vizor summoned an orb of pure, dark shadow, and immediately he thrust it at me. The shadows seemed to explode in a blaze of darkness around me, and I screamed as a blinding agony flooded my veins. It felt as though my insides were being shredded and torn apart.

"Give. Me. Control," Vizor commanded, teeth clenched. He was shaking with an anger I never thought possible.

I took a painful, shuddering inhale. "Even if... I was stopping you... I wouldn't let you... use me..."

The tentacle covered my lips again, getting some black slime in my mouth as I coughed. My muffled screams still didn't seem to satisfy the psychopathic demon as the pain inside of me worsened.

In the corner of my spinning vision, an out-of-focus, burnt orange figure slowly came into existence. Vizor noticed as well. His eyes flickered to the figure, which soon took the shape of Dawn. The hanger Pureblood, unlike when I previously saw her, was wearing some sort of black uniform, with a bright red X stitched onto the chest and left shoulder. A cloth of the same color was tied around her other arm.

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