Book Changes

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Hey all, so I took down two chapters because after being notified via comment Latvia is an underage character. I previously didn't know this and had checked to see if that was true. It is, he is about 15 years old. So I took down his chapter because I don't feel too comfortable having that up there.

I apologize to anyone who might have known that information and was disgusted to see content like that. Which why in addition to Latvia I also took out Iceland because of his age, about 16-17. Wanting to make sure there isn't any more of sexual based content for those characters, at the very least here in this book.

And yes, that is something I wrote many moons ago as a young kid (which I really shouldn't have been writing tbh that's a whole different story). I also wasn't aware of the ages when I was younger and just proceeded to create whatever fantasies I wanted. Not excusable by any means.

For any other chapters here, I hope you have enjoyed them (regardless of how poorly written they are). And although I won't ever update this book any further, I'd like to attempt keeping this a better environment.

Norway's chapters might also be taken down due to the HEAVY undertones of incest. It wasn't something I even thought about or took into account at the time of making the fic. As some older Hetalia fans would know it was a large running gag/thing apparent in content created for him as well. So I assume that is why I thought it was alright.

Anyhow. Please let me know if there any other issues in chapters that are disturbing to either you or could be in a larger audience. I will be more than happy to take down those chapters. Editing could be an option, but I am unfortunately a busy person.. and unpublishing them would make it much easier.

Thank you,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2022 ⏰

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