𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

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Chapter one

Maverick sat down on the barstool with his daughter following him, Her following him around brought him back to the old times when she didn't want to be separated from him when she was a little girl

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Maverick sat down on the barstool with his daughter following him, Her following him around brought him back to the old times when she didn't want to be separated from him when she was a little girl.

"How was the mach nine?" She asked as they enters the Hard Deck.

"Oh, I blow it." He said beaming.

"I'm sorry what?" Y/n ask him not believing her ears, questioning herself did she get it right. He nods with his eyes on his phone talking to Iceman.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me." A voice said. The Mitchells lift their head to see Penny Benjamin.

"Pete," Penny said with a smile.

"Penny?" Maverick says leaning into the bar, not believing his eyes. He went ballistic with Penny Benjamin when he was younger. After her mother passed away he starts to learn to move on, he met Penny again got into trouble, and got deployed somewhere else by the Admiral.

"Heya Pen."

"What are you doing here?"

"I should ask you the same thing." Y/n watch the adults interact with a glint of curiosity, they were being suspicious. Like they are still attracted to each other. The two practically stared into each other's souls.

"Please for the sake of my sanity stop eye fucking each other." Her words made them break their stare, an innocent smile forming on her face. "Penny, can I have a Soda?"

Penny nods then asked what's her dad doing here, he starts to tell her how this is his last post. Penny did not believe him.

"Come on Pete, you've been saying that as long as I've known you. You said that after you take me on a joy ride in an F-18 and the next thing I know you're off to Bosnia. Then Iraq, both times. You've got yourself in trouble and Iceman makes a call." Penny said giving Maverick a beer and her Soda. "And you're back into the air."

"Penny..." Maverick starts.

"Too late." Penny interrupts, "You're about to ask me what time I get off."

Maverick shakes his head with a smile, "Don't give me that look" she said making Y/n snort, she's aware that her dad's smile is cocky and pretty sure he doesn't have any look other than that.

"I'm not giving you any look, I swear."

"You know how it always ends for us," Penny eyed him.

Y/n eyes watched him lean to the counter with a smile, "You look good." He said to Penny, Penny takes a step back and rings the bell causing people to cheer at the sound.

"Much appreciated pal." A Navy said patting her dad's shoulder.

"What am I missing here?" Maverick asked Penny and Y/n.

𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 | Jake Seresin(ON-HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now