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In a panic, I throw my hands over my head dropping my wood basket and all the items in it. I close my eyes tightly preparing to be eaten by the wolf.
Not a moment later I hear a yelp come from it then suddenly, silence. I slowly lower my arms and open my eyes only to see that I am completely alone.
I look around in confusion but as to not test my luck I pick up my basket and whatever items I could find that had fallen out and set off.
In shock, I don't pay attention as to where I am going. I don't think, all I was worried about is finding Astrid and Veronica and heading back to camp.
Before long I smell the strong engulfing scent of wood burning. Happy to find some sort of sign of civilization I run towards the scent.
Once I made it to the source of the smell I realize it was the camp.
As soon as they all spotted me both my friends and my dad ran to me asking me so many questions. The only thing I could make out was when Veronica spoke.
"Do you realize what time it is?!" Suddenly I was snapped back into reality and looked up to see that night had already fallen and I never realized it. In shock, I look at my watch. Six pm. I had been lost for nine hours. Nine hours, and I didn't even realize it.
"We were so worried about you! We called the police but they said they couldn't do anything until the twenty-four hours had passed and that all we could do was wait." My dad said.
"I'm sorry for worrying you guys but I think I'm fine," I said in a daze.
"You think?" Astrid responded with a confused look on her face.
I began to explain how I found mock strawberries in the woods and how I came across the wolf. As I explained the whole story and how the wolf suddenly disappeared I realized how absolutely insane I sounded.
Astrid and Veronica started acting really weird and I could have sworn I had seen Veronica whisper something in Astrid's ear. I was starting to feel a little left out by how strangely they have been acting toward me these last 2 days.
After I finished my story my dad looked at me. "It's ok Evangeline, let's just get you something to eat then let's all head to bed. You must be starving." At the mention of food, I feel my stomach give a large turn and growl loudly. My dad just smiled and gave me a plate of freshly cooked deer with berries on the side.
The meal felt amazing going down my throat considering I haven't eaten anything since this morning. The deer was perfectly seasoned and the berries perfectly sweet and melted against my tongue. Deer has always been my favorite.
As I ate they all talked about more random things. By the time I finished eating, I was too tired to engage in the conversation so I just listened and closed my eyes leaning against a rock.
Not ten minutes later I hear them talk.
"Yeah, Kai even told me how much he wishes we could move in together," Astrid explained.
Who is Kai? I thought to myself. I thought her boyfriend was Corey...
I soon realize my dad had already left and went to bed. They think I'm asleep because I haven't said anything in ten minutes. I shouldn't be listening to this.
Knowing this was a private conversation I decided to listen in anyway.
"Ok Astrid I get it, you are in love but what about Corey?" Veronica responds.
"What about him?" Astrid responds.
I really should not be hearing this. But they are my best friends...
"He's just a human. He doesn't matter." Astrid continues.
Human? What? These are my so-called best friends. Yet I don't have any idea what they are talking about. For how long have they been hiding things? What else are they hiding? So many questions and thoughts kept drifting through my head as I continued to listen.
"But Astrid, he cares about you! Doesn't that matter? And what about Evangeline? She's human too doesn't she matter to you?" Veronica explains.
"Oh dear Veronica, of course, she matters to me. The three of us have been so close for so long. But you know what must happen. There is nothing we can do about it. What happens to her is up to Daisuke. Not us."
Daisuke? Who's that? What must happen to me? What are they talking about?
Before my mind could wander any more than it already was I let my mind drift off to sleep.
"Gg get up!" I hear Astrid yell at me.
"I'm up I'm up! Geez." I respond.
"Oh my gosh, you and your sleeping in." She rolls her eyes.
"What do you mean? It can't be that late-" I check my watch only to find that I can't read it. It's blurred. How weird.
"Is something wrong?" She asks me as I sit up.
"What time is it?" I ask.
"Time to get up silly. Wake up. Hurry he needs you." She responds.
Suddenly I'm jolted awake by a loud crash. Im laying on the floor of the tent covered in my nice warm blanket. That was a very weird dream...
Astrid and Veronica are still asleep by my side. I check my watch. Five am. I hear a quiet cry outside the tent. Worried I step out. Only to find my dad stuck under a huge rock.
My eyes go wide and I rush to his side. "Dad?!" Me and him both push as hard as we can to move the rock off of him and we eventually get it off.
"What happened?!" I asked panicked.
"It's nothing. I went to move the rock so we could have more space and it fell on me. Luckily it's not too big so I'm fine. I'll just be a little sore." He responded.
"Okay." Did my dream just wake me up to help him? How weird.

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